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i'm still calling bullshit. i am not that old


People lied about their ages when they registered all the time thinking it would get them extra things [like with the Fan Collective] so lying by a year to get past the registration limits for the basic boards isn't that far off the tracks. As long as you behaved like a 'responsible enough' teenager at least and didn't out yourself, you were left alone.


So now, feel old. All the old.  whut



Final Fantasy VII is now twenty years old.

Princess Diana died twenty years ago.


According to their canon birth years, Cloud Strife turned 31 this year. Barret Wallace will turn 45 this December.


People lied about their ages when they registered all the time thinking it would get them extra things [like with the Fan Collective] so lying by a year to get past the registration limits for the basic boards isn't that far off the tracks. As long as you behaved like a 'responsible enough' teenager at least and didn't out yourself, you were left alone.


So now, feel old. All the old.  whut

no, i'm still the youngest person to join the boards and i always will be. joined in 2005 at the ripe old age of 13 and then SwimMod_Phoenix banned me when she found out (it was temporary). but then Luuv (i miss you, you beautiful bastard) unbanned me before I turned 14


According to their canon birth years, Cloud Strife turned 31 this year. Barret Wallace will turn 45 this December.


i-i-im older than cloud?  whut


thats it. not coming back to this thread.


Girls who are ten years younger than me can do porn now.



I made myself feel old.



Don't worry Poof, you'd blow any porn newbies away (Both literally and figuratively if you wanted)


They couldn't hold a candle to you


The main characters from Persona 5 were born around the year 2000. Because many of the older characters are in their 20's - 30's, that means they were born sometime between the mid 80's and mid 90's.


The main characters from Persona 5 were born around the year 2000. Because many of the older characters are in their 20's - 30's, that means they were born sometime between the mid 80's and mid 90's.

Kawakami was born (probably) in the 80's (or maybe early 90's), so was Takemi so waifu material gooooooo


i recently returned to teaching part time at the local community college. it occurred to me yesterday that this is the last class of incoming freshman who were born in the 90's.


fuck i'm old...  :(




no, i'm still the youngest person to join the boards and i always will be. joined in 2005 at the ripe old age of 13 and then SwimMod_Phoenix banned me when she found out (it was temporary). but then Luuv (i miss you, you beautiful bastard) unbanned me before I turned 14


Can't tell if trolling...


Definitely trolling.


I joined in 2003 when I was 13. Never got banned for it. But that also means I've been on the [as] forums for half of my life.


Can't tell if trolling...


Definitely trolling.


I joined in 2003 when I was 13. Never got banned for it. But that also means I've been on the [as] forums for half of my life.

the youngest person thing is a joke but the rest of it is true


no, i'm still the youngest person to join the boards and i always will be. joined in 2005 at the ripe old age of 13 and then SwimMod_Phoenix banned me when she found out (it was temporary). but then Luuv (i miss you, you beautiful bastard) unbanned me before I turned 14


I beat you


I joined asmb in 2004 at 13yr old

Only for hockey Chicken

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