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i forgot to wear deodorant today


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i forget to do that quite a lot.


thankfully, i don't have much of a body odor there, if at all on some days. no lie, i've had people double check me on those days. deodorant actually makes me smell worse by the end of a busy work shift. blech.


problem is sweat. if its busy, summer, and the AC isn't working well, i run the risk of pitting even if it doesn't smell like BO.

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i was probably paying more attention to my arm popping when i was doing anything this morning and just forgot


lets see...the morning I had my car accident....I had a a bra on under a zipper hoodie...pj pants on no underwear...but I had D.O. on....so at least while I was in pain...the doc was still smelling something clean...

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I need to keep up with deodorant because I couldn't stay fresh without it. I'm also a fan of Everyman Jack, but in Cedarwood. Otherwise, I'd grab Tom's or the Axe sticks since the Cedar can be hard to come by.



But I'm alright with ladies not wearing deodorant...


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I need to keep up with deodorant because I couldn't stay fresh without it. I'm also a fan of Everyman Jack, but in Cedarwood. Otherwise, I'd grab Tom's or the Axe sticks since the Cedar can be hard to come by.



But I'm alright with ladies not wearing deodorant...


you can sniff my armpit if it makes you feel better

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I need to keep up with deodorant because I couldn't stay fresh without it. I'm also a fan of Everyman Jack, but in Cedarwood. Otherwise, I'd grab Tom's or the Axe sticks since the Cedar can be hard to come by.



But I'm alright with ladies not wearing deodorant...




its really kind of strange. more women can go without, and probably also men, than realize. not everyone for sure, and diet can have a lot to do with your odor as well.



fall through winter i don't even fuck with it. even in the case that i forget during the rest of the year, i always have a travel pack of facial cleansing towelettes in my purse, so i take a second halfway through the day and give them a quick wipe. i only even wear it because summer heat and laboring makes me sweaty there. sometimes i wonder if i should just deal with the sweat in order to forego the nasty sour smell deodorant can give me.

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