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We tend to think of life as an inexhaustible well, yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number, really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, some afternoon that's so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four or five times more, perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty. And yet it all seems limitless.


Are you lost?


How many more times well you watch Eva? Ten? Perhaps not even that.


I've never watched it once.


To be honest, I don't even like anime that much these days. Saying something stupid and random makes me reminescent of IB days of yore, which will never come back.


If you subscribe to any variation of forked universe theory, we don't actually die our consciousness (or soul) simply leaps from the end of one realized universe to the next e.g. we die in one universe at a given point but not in another and so on.


It also would mean that we are technically immortal.


If you subscribe to any variation of forked universe theory, we don't actually die our consciousness (or soul) simply leaps from the end of one realized universe to the next e.g. we die in one universe at a given point but not in another and so on.


It also would mean that we are technically immortal.

Energy cannot be destroyed, it just changes form.

Door swings both ways. Good things are limited but so are bad things. Like how many more paper cuts will u get before u die? Probably not all that many when u think about it.

I got a wicked cut dicing onions last night.

Would be nice not to experience that again.


If you subscribe to any variation of forked universe theory, we don't actually die our consciousness (or soul) simply leaps from the end of one realized universe to the next e.g. we die in one universe at a given point but not in another and so on.


It also would mean that we are technically immortal.




Multiverses exist independent of your experience of them.


There is a universe in which you died yesterday, and a universe in which you will die tomorrow.


You don't have the ability to transfer your consciousness to either of those universes, and you will die when you die in your own universe.


Energy cannot be created or destroyed, when you die, the energy which makes you goes into the soil. Or gets burned and goes into the atmosphere.


It does not (and can not) jump to another universe.


That's poppycock and something you can tell yourself to make you feel better about your own mortality.


Now, an argument for subjective immortality can be made: that you were not conscious of the passage of time before birth and will not be conscious of the passage of time after death means the timeline in which you currently inhabit is the only time that will  (to you) exist.


If you subscribe to any variation of forked universe theory, we don't actually die our consciousness (or soul) simply leaps from the end of one realized universe to the next e.g. we die in one universe at a given point but not in another and so on.


It also would mean that we are technically immortal.


I believe this could be true. I think dreams are something of us visiting those other realms.


We tend to think of life as an inexhaustible well, yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number, really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, some afternoon that's so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four or five times more, perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty. And yet it all seems limitless.


Are you lost?


I only wish that I may gain the gift of second sight through my trials and tribulations living an enlightened existence

and my energy continues to live on in the 3rd person moments from my existence manipulating the outcome.


Also, Neurosis is amazing. Thanks for posting that link. I need to start listening to them again.


Door swings both ways. Good things are limited but so are bad things. Like how many more paper cuts will u get before u die? Probably not all that many when u think about it.


I've been looking for paper cut porn but I'm having trouble nailing down this exact kink.


I only wish that I may gain the gift of second sight through my trials and tribulations living an enlightened existence

and my energy continues to live on in the 3rd person moments from my existence manipulating the outcome.


Also, Neurosis is amazing. Thanks for posting that link. I need to start listening to them again.

I never gave Enemy of the Sun a fair shake until recently and it's one of my favorites.

i don't know im just trying to get laid as many times as i can before the year ends but i doubt that'll solve my massive log of problems.

Hey man, I've been searching for solutions for years and haven't reached a satisfactory conclusion.



Already went through that phase of life when I was 9. Seeing someones frozen body parts going through a wood chipper makes you reflect on what is going on with your life and the world as a whole. Makes going to school and listening to some teacher lecture you about how you will use cursive every day and won't be able to carry a calculator at all times which are skills that determine the rest of your life. Makes you wonder if that guy knew cursive or could multiply without a calculator.  Then I decided to separate myself from being around the nonsense of people killing each other and themselves. I would think about a holiday when someone died. That the average person my only experience it lesson than 70 times. I wondered if I would think if I were dead or if it all turns off. If there is a heaven are souls separate from memories meaning making the momentary span of life all the more meaningless. Then I began to drink all the time until I got bored with it and moved on to accepting life for what it is and that happiness and all emotions like life are momentary and fleeting.


If you subscribe to any variation of forked universe theory, we don't actually die our consciousness (or soul) simply leaps from the end of one realized universe to the next e.g. we die in one universe at a given point but not in another and so on.


It also would mean that we are technically immortal.


Buddhism has a theory like that- its a little different though. It denies a soul or any person- it simply states the energy of our consciousness continues at a subtle level. From a certain perspective it makes us immortal , however since it denies any soul it also means we were never born to begin with- which is kind of a weird theory.


Already went through that phase of life when I was 9. Seeing someones frozen body parts going through a wood chipper makes you reflect on what is going on with your life and the world as a whole. Makes going to school and listening to some teacher lecture you about how you will use cursive every day and won't be able to carry a calculator at all times which are skills that determine the rest of your life. Makes you wonder if that guy knew cursive or could multiply without a calculator.  Then I decided to separate myself from being around the nonsense of people killing each other and themselves. I would think about a holiday when someone died. That the average person my only experience it lesson than 70 times. I wondered if I would think if I were dead or if it all turns off. If there is a heaven are souls separate from memories meaning making the momentary span of life all the more meaningless. Then I began to drink all the time until I got bored with it and moved on to accepting life for what it is and that happiness and all emotions like life are momentary and fleeting.

Jesus Christ that's not good.

Actually all time exists. Past, present, and future. So your past doesn't disappear after you experience it. It still exists in spacetime & is "accessible" after you die.


Nah I don't believe that. How and who can relieve a person's past experiences? How does that make sense? I'd rather argue that no time exists, and therefore there is no way to do this^


all time(lines) do exist, however the human consciousness is only aware of the one upon qhich it travels.


No course deviations, no going backwards, just a continuous descent forwards at the speed of time.


all time(lines) do exist, however the human consciousness is only aware of the one upon qhich it travels.


No course deviations, no going backwards, just a continuous descent forwards at the speed of time.


How can it be said time moves forward? What if we go by a theory there is no time only the "ever present now?" Or possibly time is more 3 dimensional rather then linear. Another theory says time is only an experience of the human mind and therefore reality is just a vast  timelessmovement.


Either way I don't buy the theory of a linear timeline or record able events. In quantum physics atoms and can exist in 2 place at once or even do other weird things- the atom itself doesn't perceive "a tree" only its own essence. An atom is not a tree- this is why I see no reason to think of a tangible record able timeline of a physical nature.  :420:


How can it be said time moves forward? Because that is how the human mind perceives its own movement along the fourth dimension. What if we go by a theory there is no time only the "ever present now?" What if there's no such thing as a 3-dimensional cube, and it's just a 2D square? Or possibly time is more 3 dimensional rather then linear. Time is a fourth dimension that we in the third dimension perceive as a line. Alternate timelines exist along the fifth dimension. Another theory says time is only an experience of the human mind and therefore reality is just a vast  timelessmovement. That's a bad theory.


Either way I don't buy the theory of a linear timeline or record able events. In quantum physics atoms and can exist in 2 place at once or even do other weird things- the atom itself doesn't perceive "a tree" only its own essence. An atom is not a tree- this is why I see no reason to think of a tangible record able timeline of a physical nature.  :420:


The vast timeless movement theory makes the most sense- there is no time.


An atom moves from point A to point B. So you follow? So then what is time? Time is not even understandable concept because it doesn't exist. You can say "time" is the atom moving between 2 points. Because it has to do so over a "certain time period".  How do we record time? How do you even define it? No one can even define time.


The vast timeless movement theory makes the most sense- there is no time I disagree; time is obviously an observable phenomenon. It exists inherently to that extent at least, therefore your hypothesis is rendered false..


An atom moves from point A to point B. It does so along three physical directions along the course of a fourth temporal dimension So you follow? So then what is time? Time is what we call our subjective perception of the fourth dimension. Time is not even understandable concept because it doesn't exist Yes it is because yes it does.. You can say "time" is the atom moving between 2 points That's motion, not time.. Because it has to do so over a "certain time period" There is a temporal distance between effect and cause; all things do not occur simultaneously. Therefore, time exists..  How do we record time? Generally by tracking the amount of time it takes for the planet to make a full turn on its axis and then breaking it down into hours, minutes, and seconds from there. Then for years we track how long it takes for the earth to rotate the sun then break it down into months. We, as a species, have been doing that kind of thing for a long time. It's really evolutionarily advantageous to be able to keep track of time. How do you even define it? No one can even define time.

"Time- /tīm/ noun 1.the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole."


Got that from the dictionary.


If you subscribe to any variation of forked universe theory, we don't actually die our consciousness (or soul) simply leaps from the end of one realized universe to the next e.g. we die in one universe at a given point but not in another and so on.


It also would mean that we are technically immortal.

Always a continued soul.  Now, who is in charge of which universe you land in?

Always a continued soul.  Now, who is in charge of which universe you land in?


Lord Buddha.  :| S: :o:D ::D:: 

I doubt anyone gets the joke.  ::]:: owo >:D :barf: -_'




*cracks knuckles*

You said motion isnt time. Motion is kinda indistinguishable from timeKind of, but to simplify the argument by removing a dimension, "Up" is kind of indistinguishable from "Left." I mean, technically true, but there's a lot more complexity to it.. If you had completely no entropy(no energy/no movement/complete uniformity) left in the universe there would be no motion. If absolutely nothing in existence is moving, not even subatomic particles, what would happen to time? The end of entropy is the boundary of the temporal dimension of the universe, akin to the physical dimensional boundaries of the universe. How would the universe itself as a system determine between one moment and the next? That is the sate at which the bubble of our universe pops. That's how the quantum foam works. I've never read anything that has a good idea on what happens w/time in that situation. Probably because it cant actually happen. But you can still think about it to try and understand time.


And yea its observable, but we have no idea why we perceive it as we do. Mathematically we shouldnt be able to experience time as progressing. But we do so we know we do. Fuck math.


You described how we record time by measuring movement of planets and atomic clocks, but thats not good enough when youre comparing places in the universe that have different presents(we all have different presents but amongst earthlings the differences are so minute we cant notice) because of where they are & what forces theyre under. Even if you go into orbit around the earth in a space station, youre noticeably off from ppl on the surface because of forces like gravity & your motion. So we don't record it like a passing thing. We map spacetime as one thing as if time were a physical dimension because it sorta is. You travel thru it. It doesnt pass by. Thats just our perception. Theres no mathematical reason for why it should "go" forward. The reason we perceive the passage of time is because the arrangement of subatomic particles is, at this current point in space and time, arranged in such a way as to result in the thoughts within our minds, the muscles, tendons, bones nerves, and chemical messengers etc. within our fingers, the plastic and circuitry in our keyboards, the chemicals which make up our glowing screens, earth,  the sun, all of physical reality. We see things the way we do because the  ever-moving swarm of subatomic particles has currently coalesced into our reality.


When youre looking at time thru the lens of math, the only quality that determines forwards or backwards is entropy decreasing in the forward direction & increasing if you run the math backwards. The fourth dimension is indeed similar to the first three, in that it is a dimension.

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