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I don't know what it was about mine but I had no problems


I had no pain and was eating solid food that night


My Brother on the other hand looked like a fucking chipmunk after he got his removed

Guest Zintar

I had all four of mine removed at once. Awake. Headphones on, a couple of pain killers. Went by real fast. Still have the teeth too!


Don't wanna say drink and smoke, but ya can. tear any filters off smokes and puff lightly. drink away! Safely. lol.

You'll be fine.


Ugh, at least they are all gone so you won't have to go back for a round two on the other side.  whut


Frozen veggie bags for the cheeks as already suggested, careful hydration to keep things from drying out, and naps are always good. :)


Sucks, but the roots on wisdom teeth are shallow, so you'll be fine.

Ice to help swelling and whatever you do, don't smoke.

Dry socket = TEH_SUCK so don't smoke.

Good chance to quit smoking actually, so you might want to think about that.



Weirdest part was when I went in for my follow-up several days later, and the hygenist uses this syringe to clean out the sockets, and all these disgusting pieces of the soft food I'd been eating come out.  :barf:


Weirdest part was when I went in for my follow-up several days later, and the hygenist uses this syringe to clean out the sockets, and all these disgusting pieces of the soft food I'd been eating come out.  :barf:


Now they didn't do that for me

Then again all I consumed was jello during my 2 week off


Apparently I bled a lot during the removal



Weirdest part was when I went in for my follow-up several days later, and the hygenist uses this syringe to clean out the sockets, and all these disgusting pieces of the soft food I'd been eating come out.  :barf:


After my procedure, I was sent home with a cheap plastic one that worked very well at getting the food out.


whole right half of my face is still numb after 5 days.  read its probably parasthesia.  worst part is i cant breathe in through my right nostril, and lip still numb


hoping it goes away soon


That sucks. Have you contacted your dentist about it?

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