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I own over 140 video games that I've never played

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I'll pay you twenty dollars American to take one off your hands.

I make five times that just sitting here for an hour.

I need my hands to work so you'd have to pay me at least my base salary from now to retirement age plus inflation.


So... about 12 million? I'll do it for 15 million.


Impulse purchasing, friend. You don't need or technically even want it.

I don't, but I'm probably gonna do it.

Speaking of disposable income, what do you get for the man who has everything?

Personally I just like thoughtful gifts. My roommate decided to take me swimming at a beach a ways away because she knows I love the water, another friend drew something for me.

Power to you. I impulse buy food and bathing products like crazy. They're just cheaper usually..... depending.... idk, my frame of reference is bad for vidja games these days.

I have a serious problem with impulse buying honestly.


I make a very hefty sum and I still go broke a week before payday.


I have a serious problem with impulse buying honestly.


I make a very hefty sum and I still go broke a week before payday.




They totez know this and have us all by the balls (or hoohas respectively). From the bottom of the payscale to the top.




They totez know this and have us all by the balls (or hoohas respectively). From the bottom of the payscale to the top.

Haha I don't even watch commercials or anything I just seek out shit to spend money on.

Haha I don't even watch commercials or anything I just seek out shit to spend money on.

is this a thing that happens to all IT people? seriously, me and almost everyone i know has this same problem. we're all supposed to be "middle class" (i barely qualify, you overqualify) yet we're all as broke as the people working the checkout counters at the end of the month


is this a thing that happens to all IT people? seriously, me and almost everyone i know has this same problem. we're all supposed to be "middle class" (i barely qualify, you overqualify) yet we're all as broke as the people working the checkout counters at the end of the month

I think it's a fulfillment thing.


Other people work jobs that make them physically tired  - we get home and we're just mentally tired so we seek gratification.


I have a serious problem with impulse buying honestly.


I make a very hefty sum and I still go broke a week before payday.


How much money we talking? Because my services have potentially become available.


How much money we talking? Because my services have potentially become available.

It would be more accurate to talk about my income in fractions of millions than any other denomination.

And I'm sitting here bored thinking about buying a new one

On this episode of My Strange Addiction, meet the twenty-something who is addicted to buying video games.


On this episode of My Strange Addiction, meet the twenty-something who is addicted to buying video games.

Almost 30... before long I'll be a middle aged addict.

What is wrong with you people

I bought the vast majority of them for $5 or less during various Steam sales, or got them as part of Humble Bundles.  There are some freebies scattered in there too.  Honestly I'd be shocked to find a long-time Steam user who doesn't have a huge backlog.


I bought the vast majority of them for $5 or less during various Steam sales, or got them as part of Humble Bundles.  There are some freebies scattered in there too.  Honestly I'd be shocked to find a long-time Steam user who doesn't have a huge backlog.


That makes no sense.



And Steam is for poor folks who can't afford consoles.


Haha I don't even watch commercials or anything I just seek out shit to spend money on.



i don't watch them either, commercials are the worst. i don't necessarily seek out things to buy that often either. it the whole, i'm out of this thing or that, so i go to buy more of it and end up blowing money on all this other extra shit. like when i'm out of beading wire for example. i'll make a run to the craft places for it and then suddenly i've spent 100$ on beads, leather cord, tools, and components. like wtf? there wont even be room for it so next thing i know i'm buying another case to organize it in.  -_' -_' -_' -_' -_' -_' -_'



i don't watch them either, commercials are the worst. i don't necessarily seek out things to buy that often either. it the whole, i'm out of this thing or that, so i go to buy more of it and end up blowing money on all this other extra shit. like when i'm out of beading wire for example. i'll make a run to the craft places for it and then suddenly i've spent 100$ on beads, leather cord, tools, and components. like wtf? there wont even be room for it so next thing i know i'm buying another case to organize it in.  -_' -_' -_' -_' -_' -_' -_'

Oh god I feel that so hard. I'll go to walmart to get some trash bags for the kitchen and leave with $120 in clothes, $60 in office stuff, $200 in cheap storage shit...

I think if I was rich again, I'd probably still be pretty frugal.  Though I would probably still buy a lot of videogames.  But I'd play em. 


I think my big obsessive thing would be trolling EBay for toys I had as a kid.


That's my situation, except all of those games are half-finished. You still have a dozen Final Fantasies, Resident Evils, and Fatal Frames you're half-way through, you don't need anymore games, me.


When I had my massive collection of games (38 consoles/300+ games) I admittedly would only play a handful of them regularly. The vast majority were just purchased, brought home, tested, and placed on the shelf to look pretty. I was like a crazy...cartridge lady.


Thankfully I'm not that bad in the games department. I think I've played every game I have although not every game has been played to completion. I never got into Steam or any online / download type things other than a couple of Candy Crushes and Bubble Witch for their mindlessness and time limits [i play until I'm out of lives and then I'm done] .


Books are another thing entirely. I think I have something like 600 that I haven't read yet sitting around here.


When I had my massive collection of games (38 consoles/300+ games) I admittedly would only play a handful of them regularly. The vast majority were just purchased, brought home, tested, and placed on the shelf to look pretty. I was like a crazy...cartridge lady.

I cant name 10 consoles not less 38.


There's more than 10 consoles just from Atari alone

hang on, help me out here







not including their computers or the flashback garbage, what are the others

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