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Yep little finger met his end kind of saw that coming

Hey guys sex scene woooo

Mother fucking blue flames, night King and dragon just crushed that wall


Cercie is looking to be the final boss and her golden army will fight what will remain of the north and danys army



After all the scheming and weaving of webs, this how Baelish dies....What happened to "fight all the battles, all the time, in your head....that way you'll never be surprised"....I hate to be that guy, but I know his end is going to be way better in the book....you can't build up this master of strategy who managed to rise above everyone with his wits as his only weapon and have him blindsided by the most obvious of outcomes...also, wtf was his endgame, it was never confirmed...


also, that blue eyes wight dragon is crazy over powered...it has tattered wings and yet it flies like it's jet powered now....


this episode sucked....i'm only going to re-watch it two more times >.>




I have mixed feelings about little fingers death. I mean, I was okay with the circumstances, I was off put by his public begging. Such a bitch, I didn't like that.


Was extra happy with jaime walking out on cersei though. I've been hoping that he is who knocks her off in the end. Even if it means he dies too. It would just be the best.


Still the jon and daenerys thing is too fan service gaggy.


Does not appreciate it.




I have mixed feelings about little fingers death. I mean, I was okay with the circumstances, I was off put by his public begging. Such a bitch, I didn't like that.


Was extra happy with jaime walking out on cersei though. I've been hoping that he is who knocks her off in the end. Even if it means he dies too. It would just be the best.


Still the jon and daenerys thing is too fan service gaggy.


Does not appreciate it.




I'm kinda chill on the writing itself now because ultimately with the show being ahead of GRRM's books, we're kinda stuck with how HBO gets us to the ending. No one they have is going to write GRRM's story as well as him, and HBO probably isn't willing to shell out the dough needed to hunt down a new writing team capable of better handling this unique situation. And without knowing when GRRM will finish his series, I can't say that I would be willing for the television series to have started afterwards, or that it still would have been popular enough to be handled properly from the beginning. I'm also on pain pills and don't give a shit who gets the Iron Throne, so I'm pretty much here for Arya killing folks and zombie ice dragon *shrug*.



Do we still need spoiler tags?


I'm soooooo happy that Jamie finally left Cercie, I wanted it so badly but I didn't think it would actually happen. Now he just needs to get Bronn on his side and leave too.

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