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what was your favorite online vidya gaming experiences/eras


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dota 2 in late 2012 was maximum comfy/fun.

reddit hadnt hiroshima'd it yet and the community's toxicity hadnt gotten old by then. valve actually cared about the community too. and the meta wasnt as boring as it would  be during the next two years.


battlefield 3 was great too. i used to play it all day then skyrim all night when they came out. mw3 wasnt bad either, but i played bf3 a ton more.


i have a lot more, but this is already tl;dr and i doubt anyone gives a shit  :|


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Halo 2 I probably played more online than I did everything else on Xbox and 360 combined. Although, that's not saying as much as it would seem. Was terrible at it, though.


Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate on the Wii U I played over 100 hours. It may have been as much as 300, but I honestly don't remember. It almost solely made my Wii U purchase worth it. And I might wind up getting a Switch for XX, as well.


I'm into FFXIV at the moment, been playing since they redid it and now the 2nd expansion is about to come out in a month. I don't stay subbed to it, but I'll normally resub everything time a major patch comes out and play it pretty heavily for those 30 days.

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Final Fantasy XI 2002-2007. There would be some times that I would stay awake for days playing it while I was in middle school. If I did not like the party that I was in, or if they were just going way too slow, I would cast one of the teleport spells while we were in combat and take them to a zone that was far away from the appropriate leveling zone. Other than that, I would have to say that the old Tribes & Brood War days were great.

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Wakfu. it had a political system that I somehow took over. I quit the game when a large amount of the player base actually started a coup against me and my government  :D

Did you ever play Face of Mankind? My friends and I sort of started a "world war" in that game by being noobs and trying to take over a planet that we were not at war with. It also got a bounty placed on the head of the Mercenary leader which had part of the faction going after her to collect the bounty. She arrested 1/3 of them, kicked them out of the faction and left them factionless. The then "Neo-Mercs" attacked a diplomatic meeting, killing her and killing all the Guardians of Mankind(They're a passive faction that kind of serves as a universal government). NOW THAT was a lot of fun. Although, the combat in the game kind of sucked.
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no, I never have but it sounds fun. for me, that kind of engagement could override the suck factor of a sub par battle system. I didn't get into online multiplayer games till later in my gaming life

There was a faction in the game that could make stat buffing drugs, The Brotherhood, and they sort of joined us to fight our old faction. The Brotherhood stopped selling the Mercs the drugs, and gave them to us for free so we could be a little stronger. Lol. I really wish the game would have went some where. After the year long beta ended, they added a subscription to the game which sort of killed it. Then it got purchased by another studio, and went through another beta phase and the servers got reset, but they didn't learn anything from the first fall of the game... They tried to do another subscription service and the game died and resurrected once again.
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Playstation 1




With a ps2, a 2k pc, and a ps4 years later, my list ends there.


tbh it could also have something to do with the fact that I'm no longer a child and don't have as much time as I used to for this stuff.


I did enjoy pc gaming 2010-2012. Very much so in fact.. rip college life

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