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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. That gay quarterback is gonna go home and cry into Olivia Munn's pussy.
  2. I wasn't actually mad, brah. Hence the light-hearted emojis. I get worked up about sports as it happens, but I don't stay heated once the game is over, or even very long after the plays in question..
  3. I'm with you guys. Any team that beats my team in the playoffs, I root for them. If Green Bay is gonna lose, I'd rather lose to a champion.
  4. Now it's an elbow jab? That dude got in A-Rod's face, he tried to get by (with maybe a slight intentional tap), and he went down like he was shot. Elbow jab, nothin'.
  5. Bullshit, pushed. He bumped into the dude. It happens 85 times a game, and jackass decided to flop like a little bitch that time. You and homeboy are doing a little revisionist history right now, and I won't have it.
  6. Dude, whoa. Jesus. Back off, he misspoke. What he meant to say was that only HE will be able to fuck his daughter.
  7. That wasn't intentional. I saw it a few times, and his hand wasn't clamped onto his helmet and he wasn't yanking. He had it by two fingers, and it happened to come off. Definitely a facemask penalty, but nothing malicious.
  8. Never mind the offense, I didn't realize their defense was capable of playing shutdown football like that. Granted, as I mentioned, we came in with injuries all over the damn place (not to mention how many drops by our receivers?). But still, I was really impressed by the way Atlanta played against our offense. They got to A-Rod over and over again, which is nearly impossible to do.
  10. It was bound to happen eventually, though. Especially with all the injuries they've had. It's sad to see my team get whooped so badly, but I commend the Falcons, and I will be rooting for them in two weeks against tonight's winner. Let's see Matty Ice finally get his.
  11. Skiles


    Sorry to hear about that. Hope your friend gets well soon. <3
  12. I mean, we don't NEED you, but if you insist on staying, we can't really stop you.
  13. I was in a few advanced placement classes. Apparently, they thought it would make me less bored with the curriculum if they made me do way more of it in a shorter time. Obviously it didn't work. I still graduated, though, so fuck them.
  14. You're definitely not crazy, you're just a scumbag. I know for a fact you're not crazy, because you figured out that we knew you were a scumbag, and being the sociopath you are, you started playing into it like it was some sort of "character" the whole time. But we know that deep down, underneath the sad creep you present to the world, you're really a sadistic little shit. <3
  15. This is the most wishful thinking I've ever seen in my life.
  16. I'll have to go back and watch it, then.
  17. Well, yeah. Most rape can be avoided as long as women know how to dress properly and not egg us on. That's what my grandpappy told me.
  18. 1. No he isn't. None of us are. 2. He isn't wrong.
  19. It's LITERALLY unavoidable.
  20. Wow, that girl looks a lot like her family is gonna miss her.
  21. That's what he gets for having that stupid douchey haircut.
  22. Overrated. *mic pick-back-up*
  23. I guess it's more of an early-00s show (even though it started airing in 1999), but shit man, Courage the Cowardly Dog was a great show. It was creepy and dark but funny. Ed, Edd n' Eddy was one of my favorites too, but I don't know if it holds up now. Maybe it does.
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