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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. SHUT UP. NO ONE IS DONE AT 30. Theoretically, you're not even a third of a way through your life, so there's plenty of time. But even if you're like me and you're definitely past the halfway point, then fuck it! Who cares? Just go do it! Fuck what anyone else says or thinks! Just go fucking do it!
  2. Fine, I'll blow the loser.
  3. Not me. My team is undefeated against them in the Super Bowl. O0
  5. Cloyster is great. It has really good stats, and Aurora Beam is a solid attack with stab damage.
  6. That seems totally reasonable. I'm gonna save that little trick to use never because I'm lonely.
  7. I know I do. I hate the Patriots. I hate how great they are. It makes me sick. But that being said, I also hate Roger Badell, the cowardly lion commisioner, and a sick part of me wants to see the look on his dumb face when he has to hand Tommy Buns and Bill Belichick yet another Super Bowl trophy. After all the witch hunting, the failed suspension that he had to sue to put back in place, the changing of the rules to try and handicap them because Jim Irsay is a drunk whiner... God, I wanna see it. My point is, I'm gonna love watching the Super Bowl this year, no matter what happens.
  8. I put no stock in opinions that come from mediocre musicians that are drug addicts.
  9. What is guts and frustration? Stop making things up.
  10. Stop that talk. Rodney Dangerfield didn't break through in the entertainment world until he was 46, and he made himself a legend. It's never too late to do anything. I hate that way of thinking. Just because you're in your late 20s or in your 30s and you haven't figured it out yet, that doesn't mean it's over for you. You wanna be a therapist? Go be a damn therapist. I feel like this is coming off as angry, but I mean it to be inspirational.
  11. I'll just come out and say it; stick shift cars are stupid. Why should I have to learn how to properly time shifting the gears in my car by moving a stick in just such a way? Automatic cars do that shit FOR you. That way I can focus on the road and the other idiots driving on it. I don't even think we should have radios in cars, frankly. Stop fiddling with the dial, put your hands on the wheel and FOCUS ON THE DAMN ROAD! Sorry, I went off on a tangent there for a second. '<.<
  12. Michael Bolton or Steve Perry. They're my idols for singing and they're who I model my own singing after. I'd like to pick their brains, ahoot the shit, and maybe even get some pointers on increasing range, power and stamina with my voice.
  13. It makes you close-minded.
  14. If you ever use three "ough" words in a row in a sentence ever again, I will find you and I will kick you.
  15. I kid. I like to not count post-Gen 1 Pokemon because people get annoyed at Gen-1 purists.
  16. Raticate is just fine. I usually keep one on my team right up until the end. Super Fang is extremely useful, Hyper Fang is kind of OP (the accuracy stops it from being too broken), and it's got great speed. Nothing wrong with a Ratic8, m8.
  17. I don't know what that is, but we're supposed to be talking about Pokemon, sir.
  18. Dippin' Dots knew what the fuck they were doing.
  19. I would also like to make a collage of your tits and ass.
  20. You don't know my sex life m8.
  21. (lol i originally put a different name in the title because i had a news site open) <.<
  22. I don't know anything about hi politics, but I DO know he's spent the last five years taking shots on Twitter at Dippin' Dots. And I respect anyone who uses their political platform to wage war on an ice cream company.
  23. Oh, come off it. Who among us hasn't wanted to bang our own kids? Obviously, if you don't, you're just not as cool as Zeni.
  24. We're talking about Pokemon in this thread. Stay on topic.
  25. Paras and Parasect aren't great Pokemon. They aren't even comparable to other Pokemon in their type class. Now Jolteon... There's an underrated Pokemon. You take a Jolteon to the Elite Four, you have one Pokemon with a type advantage over Lorelei's entire team. If you're playing Yellow and you lose at Oak's lab, Gary will have both a Vaporeon and a Cloyster. Boom, that's two of Gary's Pokemon you have beat. And Jolteon has REALLY high speed and special. So you don't have to replace Thunderbolt with Thunder, because even though Thunderbolt isn't as strong, it's still completely sufficient, and you don't sacrifice the accuracy. tl;dr: Jolteon should get more love.
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