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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. It's pretty terrible, but I love it.
  2. Physical pain? Yes, drugs may help. Mental/emotional pain? Depends on the drug, and whether you're looking short-term, or long-term.
  3. what if creeper run in and funny scream
  4. in miiinecraft
  5. 13, in middle school. Don't care to give the details, but it was an interesting experience.
  6. Dude, Zeni has better grammar than you?
  7. Let's say about $2 a day in caffeine, and since I've been buying the cheap cigarettes, about $1.50 a day on that. On a monthly, I spend about $20 for my psych meds. So adding the above, that's what, $125 or something? Not too bad, I'd say. If I could cut the caffeine completely, that would be almost half of that.
  9. WHAT? I didn't know all of that. Naraku, stop identifying as a straight guy and let me marry you with no prenup, you hooker.
  10. No time, Trump is President.
  11. I loved the last job I had. The one I have lined up sounds promising as well. :420:
  12. Oh, please. Give me ONE instance of the media lying to people. I'll wait.
  13. I saw it on the news, so don't sit there and tell me it isn't true.
  14. Shit, baby, I'm all square.
  15. http://www.inuth.com/trends/social-virals/dog-whose-videos-went-viral-passes-away-fans-express-grief/
  16. You're just an out-of-touch old man. And frankly, I think anti-memers like you deserve to be killed.
  17. You people suck at what-ifs.
  18. You can't kill him or you go to prison forever.
  19. Are you a Hercules?
  20. Do you just sit in your house with your gun at hand, staring at the front door?
  21. Then he waits until you're walking through the door and he barges in, obviously.
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