My mom threw away a bunch of my toys when I was a kid. When I found out, it legitimately took me months to fully forgive her for it. It was a betrayal. Especially with as active as my imagination was. Those toys had meaning for me. It was like threw my friends away. Fuck that.
I tried it on one day just as a bit. It made me laugh, so I wore it to work the next day. A couple people thought it was funny, but it was mostly for me.
Your taste buds don't change when you enter a new tax bracket. If I had like, big boy money, I would eat so much Wendy's that I would literally die. And when I say literally, I mean literally. It would actually kill me in a matter of months because I have no self control.
Dude, half of having kids is lying to them. Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, the idea of school being important, respecting authority, it's all bullshit. And we teach our kids that bullshit so they can pass it down to the next generation.