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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. It means I was perfecto at my job.
  2. If it's for the household, yeah, they should pitch in. If I cooked for a date, or some friends visiting, obviously that's different.
  3. Thanks, yo. I would say I worked hard to make it happen, but I sit at a desk and read to elderly people on the phone. There was very little "work" done.
  4. Nicely done. I'm staying with my Mexican family and they have tamales like three times a week. It's great.
  5. My job is actually really flexible about QA. They pull us aside and coach us if we aren't doing something right. Which is definitely not the norm for call centers. Then again, I don't do sales, so I dunno.
  6. I'm gonna go visit the fam on Xmas day. I work Eve, otherwise I'd probably go spend the night. Besides that, nothing major.
  7. This doesn't mean anything to you. I just wanted to flex on some folks. 😐
  8. But I don't go around bragging about it, because it isn't true.
  9. Don't put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby!
  10. Wow. I loathe this.
  11. Yo, I haven't thought about Glodson in years.
  12. I hope she gets well soon.
  13. I can listen to it like, once a year. That's about it.
  14. Right? It's not even that it's dumb, which it is, it's also kinda racist.
  15. Don't worry, I thought Chris Rock and Chris Tucker were the same dude for like... way too long.
  16. Thanks, dude.
  17. Like, I get it and I respect it. But man, I just don't like that song at all. Personally, any time I hear it, I'll walk away, or put headphones in, or change the radio. No roasties or anything. I'm glad people like it. I just really, really don't. 😐
  18. Skiles


    Also, by "my company," I mean the company I work for. Dunno why I worded it that way.
  19. Skiles


    I think the whole mail system is effed. My company sent out a mailer in September that some of our customers literally received yesterday.
  20. Depending on the drugs, it could either be a sound plan, or a terrible one
  21. Skiles


    Sweet, dude. You may be talented, but I'm pretty sure I would ace you in a stick figure drawing contest.
  22. I've never been this fiscally responsible before in my life. I'm so used to being like, "Oh, I have money? This simply won't do. I must go spend all of it." Now I'm doing this stupid thing where I ask myself if it's necessary to buy a thing before I buy it. And then a lot of times I don't buy it. It's almost like I'm acting the way a responsible adult would. I hate it. 😐
  23. But FDR had some FD-bars. Did you know his last words were "I have a terrible headache"? And everyone in the room was like "Yooo, this mf spittin." Then he died.
  24. Not yet. It feels inevitable, though. I'm very cautious about it, but literally everyone else is walking around like it's not a big deal anymore. It's a matter of time before I get bopped.
  25. Our 32nd president, Franklin Delanor Roosevelt.
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