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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. I've been going around French kissing strangers. Just doing my part to cull the herd a bit.
  2. Well, there's your problem right there. As soon as you watch The Mandalorian, bitches are gonna be breaking the door DAHN to get into your pants.
  3. Although I have done the sex a few times, I've never really been in what I would call a "real" relationship, per se.
  4. Smoke a bong full of Fruit Loops and go back to bed.
  5. That's an interesting one. At least it's a high energy song, I guess.
  6. If you want porn opening gold, look up "Lemon Stealing Whores." It's fucking hilarious.
  7. That game introduced me to "Amos Moses" by Jerry Reed. That song rips.
  8. I remember hearing a random Rod Stewart song in the background of one. And they were fairly young, like mid-20s or something.
  9. I dunno, all I know is that twins weird me out big time. When I see twins together it makes me uncomfortable. I "dated" a girl in middle school, and when I found out she had a twin, I stopped seeing her. 😐
  10. That looks nothing like me probably maybe.
  11. In fairness, I've only witnessed it firsthand once. It's a rare and bizarre phenomenon.
  12. Asking "Did she put up a fight" is totally acceptable as long as you sing it.
  13. If that qualifies me, I guess I have to accept it. But there are people out there that wear shoes in bed. So at least I'm not that far gone.
  14. Humans are odd creatures, but you'll come to understand us someday.
  15. I can't eat cereal with milk. It makes me puke. I'll throw down on some dry Chex tho.
  16. Let's talk about this in a more private, secluded, poorly lit area where no one can hear you scre- I mean, us talking.
  17. I super duper promise. You trust me, right? Right?
  18. You should be. You all should be.
  19. You're a grown-ass man. Eat it raw like the rest of us.
  20. Haaircuuut
  21. I think he gained his weight back for a role, because he's one of those actors that changes their body for the part. I find fat Jonah funnier, but also I wish him the best health-wise.
  22. Nice, dude. Let's get a crystal and JO to power it up. We'll have plenty of positive energy at the sesh.
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