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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. And I dunno about you fuckers, but I am at least as drunk now as I was last night. Happy Alcohol Thanksgiving, everybody.
  2. Cue Dave Chappelle: "GOTCHA BITCH!"
  3. I do like the idea of randomly saying halfway under my breath, "No... let's not go." And having people stare at me like I'm insane.
  4. Frankly, that encompasses a lot of things in this country.
  5. I'm assuming this is a dirty number. What if I just want to call to chat about life? Will my call be accepted? And more importantly, will I be accepted?
  6. Stilgar's wrong. White people have been pretty electric lately. We stormed the capitol recently. Couple people died. It was crazy.
  7. I respect your hustle, and I appreciate your stand-up, but I'm not a trailer guy. If you're in the video you posted, I would like a timestamp.
  8. This is one of the weirdest things anyone has ever said where I immediately related to it. I've literally told things to "stay" when I put them down.
  9. That was a crucial part of my lexicon in my teen years. It's fallen off since though.
  10. I am. I was, uh... lying.
  11. I often refer to inanimate objects as "This fucker." Or "These fuckers," if it happens to be multiple fuckers.
  12. However, I am one of them. How do I stop?
  13. Well, I'm trying. I am a BIG proponent of Peter getting his job back. He might be in line for a per diem gig, but he deserves better.
  14. Whoever has the remote. I don't get there until 10:30, so that remote is in someone else's hands by that time.
  15. Recently, Dr. Greene has been getting headaches. Boy, I sure hope it doesn't turn out to be anything serious. The ER needs him, especially since Carter is limited in what he's allowed to do since he got back from rehab. I know it's been rough since the attack on him and Lucy, but honestly, I think they should let him get back to what he does best. Not this bullshit scut work they have him doing. Yes, he's an addict. And even though Abby saw him injecting fentanyl, he went through the entire sobriety program in Atlanta. Carter graduated, and he deserves a second chance. I understand where Dr. Weaver is coming from, but the man learned his lesson. Give him another chance. You're endangering patients by limiting Carter's activity, in my opinion. He's an awesome doctor. And on top of that, that fucking asshole Dr. Romano really went and fired Peter to get back at him? Absolutely shameful. What a racist, sexist, elitist prick he is. Peter is too damn good of a surgeon to let him go like that. And how in God's name will be able to take care of Reese? That bitch Carla is doing everything in her power to tear that boy away from him, and now this? I defy you to name me a better surgeon in that building better than Peter Benton. Guess what, you can't. And I don't give a fuck what stupid job Roger got in Germany. You can NOT just take a man's child and move halfway across the world with him. It's fucked up, dude. Peter is really getting the raw end of the deal in every way. He deserves better. Anyway, it's a decent show.
  16. Skiles

    wtf Paramount+

    I've considered trying out a free trial of Paramount And Also. Right now Hulu, Netflix, and CBS All Access are satisfying all of my TV needs.
  17. You live a life I respect, but will never understand.
  18. "You're an embarrassment to your family."
  19. I ate an edible once. I did not enjoy it. I think I probably ate too much of it at once, meaning I ate the whole thing. I think it was a cookie? The first 45 minutes were fine. Then I suddenly stopped knowing how to act like a person. I didn't even know what to do with my hands. That shit lasted like six hours. I came down to Earth eventually, but never again. I'll just vape it or smoke a joint.
  20. Also my body: "A small amount of grease? You will now be sick for three days, bitch."
  21. That's what I love about The Rock. He was a hot commodity, so he made a shit-ton of money-making movies no one likes, and now he has the freedom to do money-making movies a few people like.
  22. Don't talk to me about respect. No one respects Dwayne "Rocky 'The Rock' (High Chief) "Maivia" Johnson more than me.
  23. And why would it not?
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