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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. I finally get to watch it for the sixth time in the six months since I started working here!
  2. God dammit, I came here to make this joke.
  3. When the caharacter is doing poorly on stage, and a giant cane comes in from the wings and yanks them off stage. I've always thought that was hilarious.
  4. Skiles

    Butter dog.

    Sounds fancy. I'm out.
  5. Skiles

    Butter dog.

    A better brand of beef makes a butter burger better. And I am now hungry for a burger from Culver's.
  6. The dog with the butter on him.
  7. Dick pics are all about the angle. I can make my extraordinarily average penis look like a nuclear mushroom cloud if I get the right angle. I can send you an example if you'd like. 😘
  8. I'm not saying he wasn't. But he held his own on the mic as well.
  9. But honestly, as a rapper, I think he's underrated. He had bars back in the day.
  10. Hey, fuck you, pal! 😡
  11. How is that surprising in any way?
  12. It's just a large, hairy man. I'm sure they can figure out how to ride a bike, dude.
  13. Just get a cushy job at a call center taking calls from old Southern folks. It's that easy.
  14. You know what? Brave. That's what that stance is. Brave.
  15. I love you.
  16. Post how you see the draft going, and let's see who gets the most right on day one! Also, feel free to also talk about what you want to happen for your squad. Obviously, we're not looking for the full draft. Just the first round. I'm currently in the lab crafting my mock, and rest assured, my mock will win. But starting the conversation about wants, I would LOVE to see my Packers go RB in the first round. Either Najee Harris or Travis Etienne would be great. I think both guys will be solid NFL backs.
  17. I only say I love you when the person lets me put it in their butt.
  18. Same. It's important to have staples. I look at those as like your team captains. The roster may change, but it's important to have those key players there to lead the team.
  19. Hell yeah, I'm a big "y'all" guy. That one comes out more when I'm drunk, though. It's interesting because it's a regional word, and I have family from the South, but they don't use the word at all.
  20. Like in general? I have no clue. For me, I remember starting it when I was still at my first job, so somewhere between 20 and 22.
  21. Well, my lexicon is, in fact, very dumb. But not necessarily be design. Do I think "No offense" is a more intelligent-sounding thing to say than "No roasties"? Absolutely. Do I say the latter WAY more often? Of course. I'm no writer. And by the way, I respect the shit out of people who do write. I am not one of those people. Mad respect. But no, I use whatever dumb phrases occur to me. It's very liberating.
  22. I feel that. There was a Japanese theme to an anime I had fully memorized back in the day. I think it was the fourth (?) ending theme of Detective Conan/Case Closed. I knew every syllable, what it translated to, and the English rendition by memory. Never followed up. Lost that memory. Very bummed about it.
  23. Calling people "boss" was a thing for a substantial part of my twenties. Even people who held no power over me in any way. "How you goin', boss?" Also, "How you goin'" was a big free agent signing in my early twenties. I heard Aussies say that, and I loved it. I still use it from time to time.
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