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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. ....... dahhhhh you get a cookie pat CreamyRadiantBigmouthbass-mobile.mp4
  2. Damn Pat All the animals from Homeward Bound are dead too
  3. I'm a little worried that may be what happened to its mama it's been showing up everyday for about 2 weeks by itself now, looks a little young to be on its own... but then again I don't know a whole lot about deer
  4. $60 for naming rights duurrr.mp4
  5. ....... Sure We all know the real update you're waiting on PopularBlindAlligatorgar-mobile.mp4
  6. *7 hours of micro economics class exactly how much my brain remembers from it NervousSerpentineCow-mobile.mp4
  7. ......I never got my notification
  8. Is this what caused your dental adventures?
  9. benstiller.mp4
  10. let me help you out with that
  11. YO, CHAD BRUH.....Chill You remember last time you dabbled with the raisin floaters
  12. If it makes me laugh more than the other two, Yes
  13. @Game Master Can you ping me when submissions are in and it's time to vote, please?
  14. HEEEESSSSSHIIIIIIII Those are in the backyard! I have a game cam set up to capture them when they eat the morning glories on the fence.... also whatever was knocking the bird feeders out of the tree It was a raccoon
  15. She did drive by looking for them I had the gloves on because the clay will leave stains everywhere (also why I wasn't loving on the the pups) right as I was in the most inconvenient position under the bush on the left I heard this very quiet "Pardon me" and I was like "it's gotta be for someone else, I haven't seen anyone else out... but I'm going to ignore this." and then the inevitable 2nd "Pardon me" happened and I when I turned I smacked my face right into a limb as I was half squatting, I fell right on my ass while simultaneously trying to avoid the few plants I have under there. It was like trying to play a drunk game of twister with quicksand. Finally I just said "I saw them, they went that way" and pointed.. while my leg was still halfway snagged in the death snare
  16. No, they were free range Much like two mystical unicorns or approx 6 chupacabras making a cheerleader pyramid
  17. https://imgur.com/a/49oaI4M Normally when I go out front to do yard work it's JW, Mormons, Sales peeps.... Today it was awesomeness with a touch of "let me make sure they're not in the garage eating a bunch of stuff they're not suppose to"
  18. Homefront:Resistance... because it was $1.99 XBL and it's been really hot outside
  19. Dunno I originally saw it after someone mentioned it. I had to watch it in 7 or 8 video clips on twitter, I wish I had saved that because I have not be able to find it since The angle of the video I saw you had a clear view of Ramirez and Anderson, I originally thought it was just a shove and he tripped...nah dude straight up ascended for a microsecond
  20. Nahhh, I was just in it for fun and to give it more numbers I literally hopped on after my nightly smoke and made random stuff while I was high out of my mind... -no regerts
  21. you're right.... one of the pics was solicited
  22. oooh seight you gotta link the whoooole fight https://youtu.be/AT_Sb22Fw38?t=23 well... I tried Ramirez straight up knocked the lights out in tim anderson... he lands that hook and anderson just straightens and drops After things settled another scuffle broke out, and then once that settled... who the fuck comes running out of the dugout talking shit like he didn't just get his ass knocked out on TV? Tim Anderson
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