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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. Right? Member when when you were little and told "Never lose your SS card or give your number away" blah blah blah, and then equifax is all like "oops! We accidentally 'all your info are belong to them' " and now it seems like every other month some credit or background company is getting hacked
  2. Happy Birthmas fellow sports and meme enthusiast person of culture
  3. *Update https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/2024/03/16/oklahoma-porn-age-verification-senate-bill-after-pornhub-bans-texas/72868646007/ Pornhub puts a "closed" sign on their pants, Men once again realize they may have goofed....will proudly learn nothing from this Unfortunately, the Abbott bill advanced https://trackbill.com/bill/oklahoma-senate-bill-1523-noneconomic-damages-prohibiting-party-from-referencing-noneconomic-damages-to-jury-in-certain-actions-effective-date/2464892/ Ya know, how abbott got crushed by a tree limb, sued (rightly so) and got set up with payments for life and guaranteed medical cost coverage? He then became the 2nd reich's leader of Texas and signed a bill making it almost impossible to do what he did. ^almost the exact bill
  4. I think I understood that, until the end. I'm also very high atm I just don't like people fucking with my shit, period. From what I've heard (at least in Arkansas) you have to verify your age once with some state, either firewall or something? There's a lot of shit that is fucked in our State, why are they so focused on who's looking at porn suddenly?
  5. This is on a bill currently in the OK house (age restriction for PH/adultsites) Gonna be fun to see how this plays out now after PH's reaction
  6. I've only ever owned pups Actually slightly allergic to cats, I can live with them.. but it's brutal on my eyes Yet, Pat sent a cat to assassinate me and it failed.. so now it just lounges around on the porch in spice trances I honestly have no clue if it's a stray. It'll stay on the porch for a week and then disappear, I think it just may be a neighbor's cat, or all the neighbors are taking care of it?
  7. Happy Birthday Homie! Hope you have a good one!
  8. Naaaaaah You gotta be at least Richie Rich rich to get even look at Subway these days SHENANIGANS!
  9. Nah Mine was fucking up yesterday ( I don't watch it very often) It was trying to give me an ad like about every 5 mins or so Usually that happens when they think you're exiting out during commercials I think, because anytime I've closed hulu during an ad by accident or something, it does it to me for a short amount of time. Not sure wtf was going on yesterday, but I closed that shit pretty damn fast
  10. Yeah, but how's your bank account?
  11. https://www.yahoo.com/news/rare-whale-seriously-injured-boat-210913448.html?guccounter=1
  12. Enjoy having the song stuck in your head
      • 2
      • Haha
  13. ....... I have to choose between gardening and sleep? My god, I do need a representative to vote for this
  14. I feel like at this point, the only thing it can do is maybe help your recommendations?
  15. Fun fact Some user back in '04 suggested Nightcrawler to me, I believe they even had narrated part in their signature Huddled in the cellar Fear caught in their eyes Daring not to move or breathe As the creature cries Fingernails start scratching On the outside wall Clawing at the windows Come to me it calls Atmosphere's electric As it now descends the stairs Hiding in the darkness Is so futile from its glare Death comes in an instant As they hoped it would Souls ascend to heaven While it feasts on flesh and blood
  16. Everyday I live longer I'm more convinced it's a simulation Seriously...What politicians are up there like "my only platform is defending daylight savings until I die!" Let's do the roll back, where we get the hour of sleep because we all fucking like that, and then never touch the fucking clock again
  17. I noticed a while back and was too afraid to ask Thank you for taking one for the team on this
  18. Bro, everyone who is a lvl 100000000 moon master pokemon trainer knows you name your entire lineup Artax No opponent can get over the repressed childhood memory of the horse in neverending story just giving up, and then they have to go cry for a week... thus making you the ultimate moon master pokemon trainer
  19. >.> That could track I've never had an apple phone
  20. Nah, it's my brother. It has happened before in the past with other people It's frustrating, because you're unaware that your shit doesn't send until someone... basically the above photo Bout to just start collecting cans and tying really long strings
  21. Does anyone else deal with this on a regular basis? My texts just disappear into a void instead of sending apparently, and I end just sending a screen cap assuming they didn't get my messages now I feel this has been an ongoing thing for about 12 years now (it's not exclusive to my brother)
  22. I had the best experience last time, I gave this person money and they gave me a map with a big X on it I skipped the kayak because the Arkansas river doesn't have enough water in it to really warrant trying to "caulk the gun and float across" (if you catch my drift) and uh just forded over to the vehicle Hella Fun, 12/10 only problem is the car was underwater so now it doesn't work, but I got a really cool story out of it!
  23. ooooh I'm not going this is hypothetical
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