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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. ? I never said he was dodging the SEC shift homie, I didn't agree with the way he left by any means.. that was pretty fucking shitty for the players IMO. I heard it was about a "5 min goodbye" and then he was pretty much on the plane. "NotOklahoma" because "Shithole" really, just... is more of a compliment to it these days to be honest. Bro don't even get me started on the current state of this state, there is not enough internet capacity in the world to formally lodge my complaints Socal is super appealing, but so is that siren call they call the NFL...
  2. Somewhat, and as USC goes yet another year without making the playoffs (even though they have a metric fuckton of talent) I see Riley trying to jump ship before he gets the axe That way he gets to say he's coached at two prestigious schools, made 3 Heisman winners, and made a bowl every season ....all without every having to explain why he was fired honestly?
  3. I mean... he is 72 NIL currently guaranteeing that the roster you know will not exist in 6 months, Saban retiring and Bama possibly just being meh, and.....I'm starting the rumor now Lincoln Riley to Seattle before USC can fire him
  4. https://imgur.com/gallery/IYRJHiS Did anyone post this yet?
  5. I'm pretty sure they just get the little cakes from the store inside and heat them up... you should be able to buy those in bulk, possibly don't quote me on that though
  6. Why you two gotta be ruining ice cream with nuts?
  7. cookie dough conquers all
  8. We gotta find a way I wanted a butterscotch shake and braums didn't have them, the lady was like "we got butter pecan" and I had never tried it Amazing, except for the pecans
  9. You can keep the pecans though Thanks
  10. I dunno man @Seight you seemed to be pretty spot on
  11. Nah Football is enough of a hassle
  12. Can we get more bowls like this? Poptarts fucking killed it I don't know who thought "Let's give the interns in marketing a shit ton of cocaine and let them go" but, someone give that person a raise Literally all I could think of while the poptart was going into the toaster with the sign "Dreams do come true!"
  13. Fantasy Baseball here we come!
  14. Bro everyone jokes about Canada, but I swear their fucking geese are massive sleeper cell army that operates off the books "Sorry, Aye! We're here to take over! Would you like syrup and free healthcare?" "No, we have guns... lol" "Sorry! I couldn't hear you over the screams of pain while those geese were pecking your eyes out... did you say no to the syrup, or healthcare?"
  15. Behold... The friendly neighborhood cat again except now it's the colder months, and it refuses to use the warm bed or little cat house and instead sleeps on a pillow with blankets *que me gesturing towards cat in the photo What we have here, is a failure to Catmunicate (free use Pat and Katt, you probably need some horrible Dad/Aunt jokes) I believe what madam adorable shithead here is doing (beside costing me a small fortune in cat domiciles while metaphorically casting fire upon their lands and watching the people burn instead of simply establishing a monarchy) is giving us her idea cat house dimensions Back to the drawing board Brain, we got works to do
      • 2
      • Haha
  16. Did anyone see A&M's QB do the trick where he did a flip and this his arm turned into spaghetti? I was working out when the network flipped the game over and the players were on the field with a cart Assuming the worst, I was immediately thinking "oh shit, I hope it's not a neck or spine injury" and then, much to my joy, I see the player hopped up and start walking off the field on his own That's when I noticed the giant compression band on his arm all zipped up, and then they showed the replay
  17. As long as your final words are recorded by your bird and directed at your cat... something similar to this
  18. *Edit Where Dafuq was mix...... Damn I think homie bounced
  19. Happy Birthday Gene! Hopefully you guys are getting snow
  20. molarbear

    Steam Sale

    Are you sure it's not just the first Civ game you've managed to best them at?
  21. molarbear

    Steam Sale

    I see you too are a man of culture as well
  22. Sorry, I'm high and hit the wrong reaction while trying to hide my laughter laughing about the cat protests
  23. molarbear

    Steam Sale

    I tried Beyond Earth and Civ 6 and still prefer V Pat is right though, I did play 6 near release and haven't touched it since. Beyond Earth still makes zero sense to me and I gave up on it. Civ 6 changed too much of the gameplay from V for me. At release (this may have changed) your happiness was no longer penalized for city expansion, in fact, I think the meta at the time was to build as many cities as possible. Micro managing your cities resources was no longer optional, it was now required. You had to specify certain areas/workers IRRC to labor, and other things. It didn't feel like Civ to me, which kind of defeats the purpose of calling it Civ 6 instead of just making a new IP. I am getting old and cranky, so it's quite possible I just do not like new Civ games. I don't think V is perfect by any means, I can go on for days about how it doesn't come close to the scenarios pack for Civ 2 that consumed a good year of my free time... but then we risk excluding @Raptorpat from the convo, because they were a wee baby around that time and probably busy suing his pre school teacher for libel when they accused him of having the dirty diaper
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