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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by StarPanda

  1. Shippuden Discussion Episode 350 Episode Title: Minatos Death
  2. StarPanda


    The Faq
  3. If I was one of the workers and we all planned to quit, I would have made my self a bunch of food and taken it with me as I quit
  4. Congrats dude
  5. I've been a fan they got a mix of great songs Yes sabotage has been used up the butt everywhere but I still enjoy it
  6. Happy Birthday dude get rekt
  7. Someone get him some hair dye
  8. It's on zombie mode
  9. I'm gonna get the fuq out of here jutsu
  10. What ever happened to my dude did he finally make it out of the basement
  11. Shit I forgot college had a world series
  12. Dam son that's really good
  13. It looks really good from that small clip, can't blame them for it being delayed because of the pandemic and him saying they need more staff, I'd rather watch something that takes time to craft the way the creators meant it to be not something thats rushed
  14. Everytime the zippers made noise they zoomed in love that
  15. At least we know the soundtrack will be good
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