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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. I didn't even mean why do you care about her in particular, I meant why do you care about famous people in general? At this point I just assumed they're all pieces of shit unless proven otherwise. They're not worth giving any thought to either way.
  2. "Wreck my cabbages now, bitch!"
  3. This show is an absolute gift.
  4. Yeah, almost every Tolkien fan I've seen post about it has talked positively overall. I almost never see movies in theaters, but I might give it a shot.
  5. Does MD have a single original thought floating around in her head?
  6. So like...why do you even care?
  7. Of course you'd be jilling off over more of Israel's bullshit.
  8. I don't get the writing either. They had something going with the girl going through it because her parents sucked, but then it ends with her just...vanishing, and nothing gets resolved. I don't think she's interesting enough to set up as a dangling plot thread for later.
  9. Was it just me or was the framerate in this episode noticeably less than in previous ones? There were whole stretches where it felt like a slideshow.
  10. They still allow smoking in those shitholes? That's pathetic.
  11. The MCU absolutely deserves to be shat on.
  12. One of the best Tolkien YouTubers I follow saw an early screening and posted pretty glowingly about it. That makes me a lot more optimistic.
  13. in a just world someone would walk up and shoot him in the face.
  14. Again, my question is...who fucking cares whether he got pardoned? I assumed Joe would do it at some point, because why should he give a shit about what anyone else thinks now?
  15. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cn38321180et World has no chill right now.
  16. Literally no one gives a shit about Hunter either way other than MAGA chuds.
  17. Haven't been to Applebee's in ages since the closest one closed, and I'm not sure if I was ever in a Chili's. We used to do Friday's sometimes but that's all but dead.
  18. I think I'm now up to....1200 unique items? No I don't have a problem why are you looking at me like that.
  19. It's such a rare privilege to watch something and know that you're seeing an all-timer legendary anime moment. What a finale. Tell you what though, I would have been pissed at how things left off way back when if I didn't know there were 4 more seasons to follow.
  20. https://youtu.be/IYD9xu92zSg?si=DPmKYFfvVcKlAnsZ
  21. The thing is, I actually enjoyed the previous episode. Sure, it was a bog-standard shounen fight I've seen countless times before, but at least they executed it well. But this was just...pointless. The creators were only given so many guaranteed episodes, and it feels like they've spent a lot of that time just spinning their wheels. And yeah, I don't know what's up with the focus on punching. Like, I've never willingly sat through a single minute of a pro wrestling match, but even I know that's not a thing there.
  22. Well rats.
  23. I don't follow any of this at all, but to me the whole idea of "diss tracks" just feels like two 4-year-olds on the playground slapping at each other's faces. Like, grow the hell up.
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