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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. Clover- Why are we recapping filler? Don't argue you're both god-awful. Your bike is as stupid as everything else in this show. That window was the best character. Great now you've fucked up that roof too. STOP LAUGHING LIKE THAT. You dumb bastard. Thank you, random thief. This is stupid. Wait, that gremlin is a lady? Oh, guess not. Oh hey it's the WIZARD KING. He actually seems tolerable, I'm surprised. What kind of alcoholic names their kid Mimosa? Dimestore Griffin is shady as fuck. I like that he's just surfing on the damn broom. No that's just how his face looks. That giant flying chariot is so unnecessary. Gee I wonder if those dark and ominous clouds are evil. Y'know you probably wouldn't have fallen if you'd been ridng your broom like a normal person. This definitely wasn't a setup by the rich douchewad nope no way. I like how that girl's cape is positioned to show off a boob. Tooootally not shady as fuck. It must be a nice break for the nun to not get harassed anymore. Spoke too soon, leave that nun alone. You condescending sacks of crap. Jojo- This little boy is straight out of Boondocks. Oh good they got them to a hospital. They seem fun. Who needs a stand when you have a frying pan. This kid's laugh is weird as hell I like it. AVDOL'S ALRIGHT THANK GOD. Polnareff that's a terrible way to make decisions. Surprisingly smart move from Joseph. And if you fuck with the cola, Joseph will launch the cap at you and break your hand. Oh god the cigarette. POLNAREFF YOU STUPID BASTARD. Thank you Iggy you're the real MVP here. Oh hey, free money. This boy is adorable until he starts laughing. ORANGE BOMB, GO. Okay Jotaro avoid all citrus fruits in this town. Aw crap you're caught. The giant hat. He lucked out that they're idiots. Whelp you're gonna blow up. I'm guessing that was the wrong orange. HI IGGY. What the hell. I bet Grandma Lisa Lisa taught him that trick. I can't tell if they know he's a fake and just fucking with him or if they're just this dumb. And then everybody watching stopped to check their thumbs. I like that Iggy should be able to smell that it's not Jotaro and still gives zero fucks. Well that worked out surprisingly well. And then he blew up anyway. Kid your power is a book what are you gonna do, hit them with it? Aw crap, it's the punchy guy. Jotaro is very confused. Oh my god this is beautiful. Gundam- Gee I still have no idea who's in that mask. Somebody's gonna get shot today. Never trust the child fucker. Yeeeah he's still full-speed ready to fuck that second grader. Oh what in the fuck. I am uncomortable with this backstory. Mika's just here for the candy and I can respect that. Do not let that douche into the fight. That's a lot of ships, y'all are fucked. Aw crap Mika's gonna lose another limb on this. WOW WHAT A SHOCK IT'S THAT GUY. He's gonna go fight the guy who's trying to screw his kid sister, which I can definitely understand. Are you sad because he'd rather fuck your sister who still gets visits from the tooth fairy instead of you? Not inspiring a lot of confidence when your mecha is named Bile. Kill them both, Mika. Aw crap I forgot that his dead boyfriend is stuck in the mecha. I feel like that's cheating. At least the hot redhead girl is enjoying this. Yeah this is gonna end well I'm sure. Oh what the hell is he gonna blow up the moon now? Guys, just let these two fight it out and stay out of it. Hunter- Oh god it's gonna be heartbreaking when he finds out Kite's dead. Good luck kids I believe in you. Well I'm creeped out here. Cool it with the sugar, lady. Yeah good luck with getting that dick, weirdo. GET ON WITH IT, BITCH. You're just wasting coffee here. Whelp in a month the whole country's gonna be destroyed. That's some hair there. Chill, dude. My adorable kids are so smart. That food looks good and now I'm hungry. Oh honey it's a little too late for that. Oh hey Bisky nice to see you again. Her hair is cute like that. That crazy old dude is fun. Meanwhile, terrible things. Is she reading a hot dude magazine because I respect that. Aww hi puppy. You're a good dude, guy. Let those boys sleep. I love her stand. This bitch is crazy and I'm afraid of her. My kids are so great. I got a real bad feeling about this. Seriously, just nuke the place. That is one big fucking pipe. BUNNIES. I can't hate someone who makes cat puns. Showerpoof, I don't even need to make up a stupid nickname for this one. What in the hell is this. Oh please tell me this grown woman is not developing a crush on my twelve-year old son.
  2. She's in no way a little girl. She's 17 or 16 at the very least. I'm not sure why you're saying she's below that, since her immediate younger sibling is explicitly stated to be 15. Her fiance is 21, which is a bit on the older side in comparison, but considering that her family practically walked out of Game of Thrones, it's not a huge creep factor.
  3. Clover- I can't blame them I'd rather off myself than spend more time with Asta too. I am disappointed that captain isn't still naked. That salute just looks stupid. Oh hey, the drunk skank owns clothes after all. I too love that bird. They actually get gold stars like in kindergarten. When you get ten stars you can trade them in for stickers. How the shit do you people suck that much. You're in this squad because you're goddamn terrible and no one else wanted you, never forget that. You should buy your sister a stainless steel chastity belt to protect her from yourself. STILL CAN'T HEAR YOU, MANSON. You leave that nun the hell alone, you stupid bastard. Can she launch a bomb at him through the mail? Yes I want you to fall off. Why don't you just shit behind him so he doesn't have to hold on to you, you dumb bitch? Every time Asta makes that face I die a little inside. I am real creeped out by the sister fucker. Dude just buy a hooker. Maybe you can find a cheat to fix your garbage aiming problems. Should i have any idea who this guy is? Nobody gives a fuck, dumbass. Oh christ it's a furby. How did you not notice the robes they're right on top of their tits. Was this episode filler? Jojo- Save Avdol at all costs I can't lose him again. God you're brilliant now take off your pants too. Kick his ass, husband! NO GODDAMMIT NOT AGAIN. Please save my husband. Thank you Jotaro for saving my husband. Oh hey Iggy whatcha up to? Jojo that's not how you peta dog. He's got a point you need them for gum. I love this dog. Our hero, threatening to murder a terrified dog. Okay while he's distracted somebody please plug up Avdol's gaping neck wound. Whelp y'all are screwed. Kick his ass, Jotaro. Aw crap he found you. I like that Iggy whines his name like a Pokemon. It's cute how you think anyone is Iggy's master. Our hero, throwing a terrified, farting dog at a confused blind man. EAT SHIT, BLINDY. Punch his goddamn head off. Fetch the stick, Iggy! A rare moment when Jotaro's hat isn't fusing itself to his skull. OH SHIT. Man, Dio must be doing goddamn incredible things with that stolen dick. Is anyone in this part NOT gay for Dio? Hey that sounds like a question to ask your resident Egyptian friend after you get him to the nearest fucking hospital. I can't believe you took the time to bury that guy when half your friends are bleeding out in the desert. Iggy is the world's saltiest dog and I love him. AWWWWW HE BROUGHT HIS HAT BACK. You lovable little bastard. No seriously, get those boys some medical attention immediately. Hello there, adorable little child. OINGO BOINGO BROTHERS. Surely this comic isn't showing the future. Gundam- They're gonna kill some people is what's going on. Mika might lose another limb here. Wow what a shock that the douchebag failed to live up to his end of the bargain. I'm going to enjoy seeing him die painfully. Yeah, child soldiers who spent years in a warzone tend to not make the most mentally sound decisions. If you wreck the Wife Wagon you will be punished. Whelp I guess the only way to beat child soldiers is to throw more child soldiers at them. Don't be a little bitch here, kiddo. Kill them all to avenge that ass you never got to hit. Maybe it's time to consider getting a therapist for these kids. You're lacking the ability to be an unrepentant dickwad who's terrible in every way. This mechanic girl is cute. Yeah that'll go well, "Sorry we murdered a bunch of your friends, please forgive us?" Old man doesn't give a fuck. I hope someone still kills the shit out of that guy. Wow it's a real surprise how he figured out your obvious plot to fuck everyone over and now you're screwed. Dude rats can totally kill a human you don't fuck around with rats. Hahahaha you dumb bastard, rot in hell. Thank you Mika. Let me put your minds at ease, I ever get killed by some raging asshole, I will absolutely be happy to see him suffer and die painfully for my honor. Aw crap what now. I got a bad feeling about this. Good luck kids you're gonna need it. Hunter- Look here Meowmix I am never gonna learn how to spell that name. Everybody line up to get punched in the face. Okay y'all better hurry up before Chimera Fight Club starts. Ging put all this effort into a years-long convoluted plan to train his son, but won't take five damn minutes to talk to him. Please don't kill my adorable kids. Remember that time Kite punched a toddler in the face, good times. Did Gon ever get his license back from the pawn shop? Ohhh I don't think this bodes well for Kite please don't kill him. Aw crap Meowmix knows you're here. Ohhhh no run away. OH FUCK HIS ARM. Uh, I think Gon broke. Thank you Killua now run as fast as you fucking can. Clown Scythe to the rescue! GODDAMMIT CLOWN SCYTHE. Please call literally anyone with a nuke to destroy everything now. Thank you, friendly bear man. This is the one time I'm hoping Hisoka shows up. Oh hey it's the president. Fuck you, stranger dudes. I got a bad feeling that these two minions are going to get slaughtered. No shit he's panicking you would be too if you saw that shit. Shut up and go get yourself killed, buddy. Did you say it's assassins, is his sexy dad here? Damn, how hard did he knock that boy out? Aww kids come here let me hug you. I admire your optimism but I have absolutely no faith in it. Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
  4. Clover- Well hey she didn't accidentally kill everyone so that's something. Joke's on you, he has no power and got in out of pity. You stupid bastard. I gotta root for the ice douche here. This show has done the unthinkable and found me a dude with fire powers that I wouldn't bang. Why won't you just die already? Nice ass padding there, buddy. WHY WON'T YOU JUST DIE ALREADY. I don't think he has any problem going through you. I'm sure this isn't a fakeout and Asta's not about to pop out like a methed-up gopher. Oh look that's exactly what happened. Good job you managed to do one single good spell in your life. I'd just kill myself out of shame if Asta beat me in a fight. Avdol did the flame bondage better. Stop shouting you dumbass. Sorry girl he only wants to fuck an unwilling nun. That bird is the best character. Surely this will go off without a hitch. Whelp y'all fucked that up. Grandpa swindled you out of all your money and your underwear, but he did it for a good cause so it's fine. Well shit if this stupid bastard that has literally no maagic ability can get in, they'll just take anybody. THIS ISN'T ABOUT YOUR SHITTY GOALS, YOU SELFISH FUCK. Thank you bird. Alright I have to agree with her this bird is pretty great. I don't care enough to remember if we're supposed to recognize this voice but I'm sure it's not a powerful good guy who's really an absolute dickwad in disguise. Jojo- Oooh sweet new OP. Do not let Joseph touch that helicopter. Well he sounds delightful. Shut up Polnareff you have no room to talk. Is..is he a blanket stand? Oh my god it's the world's saltiest dog. God I love Avdol. You deserve this, Polnareff. His stand is cool and I love him. Have some Scooby Snacks. Awwww puppy likes gum. You adorable little bastard. Oh good Joseph got a new hand. That's a good picture. Avdol is loving this. Oh no Holly y'all gotta hurry up. Jonathan's body is just too strong for him. This guy's not ominous at all. Well shit he's blind you can't punch a blind guy. This is gonna be a problem. I want to pet this dog and give him all the gum he wants. Yeah, three giant buff dudes probably take up a lot of room back there. Okay this plane crash was actually not Joseph's fault for once. Ohh that looks rough. Okay he has a water stand but where the hell did that fish come from. OH NOOO. Yeah honey that seems like a pretty obvious conclusion. That is a lot of blood coming out of that thing. Quit whining and do it you baby. OH FUCK IT'S A STAND. Aw fuck now he's blind. Use Polnareff as a shield it's a worthy sacrifice. Oh right the dude can't see he has to go by sound. Okay can anybody spontaneously develop the ability to fly? I like how Iggy's just sleeping through all this. Aw shit there goes the car. Iggy's gonna have to kick his ass. If you touch that dog I will kill you myself. Waaait this isn't Walk Like An Egyptian. Gundam- RIP the best characters in this show. Fuck you, dickwad. I feel like what's best for the company is not letting the backstabbing traitor have free reign. I will comfort these sad and beautiful women. Someone punch him. Well this is depressing. Babies are indeed terrifying. Mika, imagining how tasty that baby meat probably is. JUST BANG HIM ALREADY, GIRL. God I loved main wife. Well now you gotta nail him to honor her memory. Son of a bitch this guy's still alive. Yeah well he's dead now, someone stab that guy in the kidneys. GET IT GIRL. You idiot she's trying to plow you. Oh he's gonna invade you alright. Yeah, rub it in that the best characters are dead. Didn't you have a brother back in the day? This is going too well something bad is going to happen. Now kiss. It takes sex with a dozen women on a regular basis to keep a family happy. Mika what the shit. Get it girl, I guess. Fuck off, asshole. Build A Bear is a fun place indeed. Eyebrow bear. OH WHAT THE FUCK. You still have to pay for that bear. DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK. I hope he dies painfully. Oh no don't trust the baby fucker. You really should have banged that girl when you had the chance. Murder the shit out of them, Mika. Hunter- Aw shit that thing's hatching. Calm down there, Emo Cat. Aw fuck don't hurt my kids. You need a stronger bug zapper, Killua. Yeah good luck with that pouncing plan, dude. Well thi girl is adorable. Hi, Bacon Baker. I hope whoever it is escaped. Oh good it's that one guy and he's alive. I like Professor Penguin he's the only one I hope survives. Ohh that's probably not a good thing. Well that's different. What the hell did you guys do in there? Now's not the time for man oogling, girl! It's the ciiiiiiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiiiife. And knowing is half the battle! Who the hell is this one? Where are they getting fancy clothes in this place? I can't tell if this cat is a boy or girl. Oh no my dude you are so fucked. WHELP he's dead. Oh my god this one makes cat puns I can't hate that. No goddammit why are you helping them? Oh fuck nevermind this is horiffic. Well at least Buzzkill is probably the most likely to turn traitor for the good team. Oh fuck fuck fuck that is a real bad idea for the world. At this point death is probably a relief for him.
  5. I love Iggy and his immediate hatred of Polnareff.
  6. I want my Devilman Crybaby money back now.
  7. This sequel better finally give me a focus episode for Rock Bison.
  8. Clover- Bitch you couldn't hit the ground if you fell out of a tree, be grateful they even let you be here. Every week I beg any god that will listen for this idiot to lose his voice and every week my prayers are ignored. I'm disappointed that he wasn't gored to death. So the point of this story is that he is also an unlikable dickwad? Please stop showing me his weird punishment kink. Shut the fuck up and stab the air, you dumbass. Oh hey the entire town's not dead, color me surprised. If they die at least they won't have to be in this show anymore. Correction, it's one magic knight and two rejects who should have been skipped over. Man that dead guy is lucky. Always use Asta as a human shield. You know you lose the element of stealth if you NEVER STOP SCREAMING. Wow rude. I have never wanted to punch a child as much as I do in these flashbacks. Maybe I'll get lucky ahd his mouth will freeze shut. Gee maybe you shouldn't have brought the absolute worst people in your group for even the most basic task. Christ, at this point just try aiming 10 feet away from them and see what happens. Give up hope now, little girl. What good is a new spell if you still can't fucking aim them? Jojo- Someone help grandpa not die. Good luck I hope you don't die painfully. I love these idiots. I mean if any of them have to suffer then Polnareff is my first choice. Quick, escape while it's killing Polnareff! Thank god for that disgusting use of tentacle powers. THAR SHE BLOWS. Okay I really wanna see Magician's Red swimming. I don't know when they had time to put on those flippers but it amuses me. Honey no don't go in the tunnel that looks suspiciously like a giant nose. OH SHIT. And then they all got eaten. Polnareff is confused, what a shock. You could always try escaping through her ass. Quick, seduce her! That was...an attempt, i guess? There's a filthy joke here with this giant tongue I'm sure. Punch her in the uvula. Now that's a spicy meatball. Whelp that's it, show's over. Alright Joseph, you're gonna have to bang your way into a new descendant. Oh hey he's alive. Oww that has got to hurt. I sure hope Egypt has some great dentists. Dude give her a break her jaw just got destroyed. Alright boys you got 20 days to kick Dio's ass. Oh right, nobody else remembers BABY STAND. I like that Holly's too weak to survive her stand and yet one of their strongest opponents was an actual baby. Oh I got a bad feeling for this guy's odds. Whelp so much for that guy. Uggh why is he so evil and sexy. Joseph when you were his age you tried to beat a 10,000 year old ultra-vampire-god with a child's toy. Suzi is so great I love her. If Holly dies I riot. Oh hey nice car, don't let Polnareff drive it. Uh hey what's under that blanket? Gundam- Oh this is not gonna end well. Potato Sack Mika is still funny. Please save the wives. Shut up lady let them save the wives. Oh right, there's a bunch of kids on the sexship, maybe get them out too. Oh fuck off, dickwad. God I love main wife. Ohhh they're all going to die. Man this is gonna suck. Someone punch that guy in the dick, please. Congratulations dude, you may be the worst character in this show. Well this is gonna be depressing. If you don't fuck him after this you don't deserve to fuck him at all. Main wife is so great but this is going way too well for her. God what a piece of shit. She is motivated by what is clearly the best dick in the galaxy. How dare you shoot my favorite wife. I hope they take this asshole out with them. RIP the only good harem I've ever seen in an anime. I volunteer to console the other wives. Hunter- My advice is to pull Kite and my adorable kids out of there and then nuke the place immediately. Forget the "humanely" part, just kill them as quick as possible. Oh right, these people exist. Yeeeah just nuke the place. I suggest murdering every bug you see. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Professor Penguin is concerned with this plan. I got a bad feeling about this. I'm still gonna recommend the plan of hiring Killua's sexy dad to murder everything in the country. Oh goddammit it's a fucking Naruto frog. Gon please try not to lose any limbs this time, those don't grow back in real life. Sorry Harmadillo I don't like your odds here. KICK HIS ASS KIDDO I BELIEVE IN YOU. They do it because they're assholes. Joke's on you, this boy is too crazy to lose. Shock the shit out of this thing, my adorable albino child. Ohh you've jinxed yourself there Kite. Yeah I think being in the middle of BugFuck Murder City would be upsetting, buddy. Dude just got his septum shattered. Oh no who's in their dungeon. Aw shit I forgot rhinos have armor. FUCK YEAH I'M PROUD OF YOU. Oh nooo don't say that you're going to get your legs eaten. Now do that to the terrible Naruto frogs. Oh dang he wiped out all of them. Remember to behead everthing on your way out. I'm still about 90% sure that Hisoka is already creeping around this place with his murderous clown boner.
  9. Why are you such an unlikable douche? I'm still not sure FLCL ever needed another season, but I'm hoping for the best on it.
  10. Clover- That angry pigeon is the best character. Please make him stop screaming. Oh my god stop trying to fuck the unwilling nun. I enjoy the captain's threats of violence. You can skip out on the chores when you actually manage to hit a target. He did all of this because he's a dipshit. I CAN'T UNDERSTAND YOU, MANSON. I totally understand the whore's desire to slam down a bottle of wine while talking to them. Okay I do love these sheep chefs. He's so angry and I feel that on a personal level. Someone please kill the sister fucker. Gambling is indeed a serious mission. At least show me the leader's dick. Sounds like you're gonna have to fuck him if you lose. I keep waiting for those hellbeasts to maul him permanently. Pan down. That better make for some great bacon. Shut up and do your job, idiots. Well you two are just no fucking help at all are you. Every time Asta makes that face I lose a week off my life. You should have just let him fall. Those boars are lucky to not be in the show anymore. Jojo- I'm so glad Avdol's back. We all live in a yellow submarine. DO NOT LET JOSEPH DRIVE THAT THING. Control you dick, Polnareff. I'm sure no one will try attacking you in the submarine. Call and check on Holly. I was not expecting Suzi but I missed her. SMOKEY HAS DONE SO WELL I'M SO PROUD OF HIM. Oh god Suzi has no idea. Okay I would definitely want to know what's going on if I was her though. Oh no poor Holly, y'all gotta kill Dio in like the next week. Avdol is such a good dude I'm upgrading him up to husband tier. GODDAMMIT POLNAREFF. Just throw Pol off the ship if he keeps whining. This is obviously going too well. Oh no that can't be good. Thank god that hand screws back on. Aw crap now you're fucked. Sorry you'll have to call back later. I like how Avdol knows just about everyone. NOT NOW SUZI. Jotaro you idiot now she knows something's up. You can hit my bottom next I mean what. Whelp there goes Kakyoin. Please let Avdol escape I just got him back. Thank you Jotaro I couldn't handle losing him a second time. Oh hey Joseph nice of you to wake up. Just hold it in place with Hermit Purple. That is one big submarine. A rare picture of Jotaro smiling. How do you expect me to focus on the plot if you show me a naked MILF. Jotaro no, help your grandpa. Gundam- I'm glad the wives finally get to go home. I hope she's taking this last chance to get that dick. And she wants to be one of those people under him alright. I need someone to fight this douche. Oh hell no you leave the harem alone. No I am fairly sure this is not the way that politics typically work. He's a dumbass, fire him. Your mask is stupid and you're also stupid. GEE I WONDER WHO THE FUCK THIS GUY REALLY IS. If you punch the child fucker in the face right now I will bake you a cake. Dude nobody wants your nasty pedo soul. Asta's harem fetish is getting out of hand. Jesus girl that is a really unhealthy way to think about things. Oh my god you're really serious here. He's got a point, baby meat does seem like it'd be super tender. MAIN WIFE I LOVE YOU. I like that harem man is cool with her plowing some other dude. These two are so cute together. This is a really cute flashback and I am very worried about their lives. Harem man is officially the best character in this show. "Get yourself a heard of bitches and you'll never go wrong" is a great policy in life. Mika's just deepthroating those cannolis. Please don't kill the harem. Someone should fight this dick. I got a real bad feeling about this. Hunter- I just want my adorable kids to be okay. Don't do drugs, kids. On the bright side, the bad guys smuggling drugs and guns are gone. Dude's got some good range on him. What in the fuck. I am uncomfortable with Shrektaur here. Slutterfly creeps me out. Sorry Shrektaur, Hisoka already has that goal in mind. Please don't kill Kite I like him. Somebody get a giant can of bug spray. Step away from the small child, Slutterfly. Killua doesn't fuck around. SHIT. Leave my albino son alone. I love this kid. She's taking this surprisingly well. Meanwhile, more suffering. I don't have a rude nickname for him but please kick his ass. Yeah dude I'm sure this'll work out just great for you. This is a boy who got his own hand blown off to win a fight, you're not gonna out-crazy him. Oh great, so he's a horrifying abomination that's also addicted to meth. CLOWN SCYTHE, GO. That clown weapon is the most terrifying thing here. CLOWNZOOKA, GO. Gon gets a cool laser sword. Yeah that'll end well. Oh hey thanks Kite. Oh fuck where's Slutterfly's body. That thing is the weirdest fucking stand. The little girl is probably the most bloodthirsty and brutal one here, isn't she. I am gonna go out on a limb and say that's not a good thing. Oh fuck that is a real bad thing.
  11. Not a clue. No he screams too much, I'm here for the chick in her underpants and the angry leader who wants them to shut up. The manga for part 3 started in the beginning of 1989 I wasn't even born yet! I wish he'd kept that pantsless look but now I wonder what he's seen over the past few weeks that made him think extensive groin protection is necessary. Impossible, she's not beating him to death.
  12. Clover- I already have a headache I am going to murder this boy tonight. Dude I'm pretty sure the creepy sister-fucker is shameful enough. Never make that face again you're creeping me out. Oh fuck me is this gonna be a thinly-veiled recap episode about his journey so far? Fuck you too, rich douche. Asta wrote a terrible sext trying to beg the nun for nudes. Dudes just enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts. It's like a shitty, tetanus-riddled version of Hogwarts. That random bird is the best character. I CAN'T HEAR WHAT YOU'RE SAYING, MANSON. Just let that man shit in peace. Hi puppies! I am already exhausted by these guys. Oh hey it's the bitch princess. Shut the fuck up. Don't fight, you're both bad and unlikable. And nothing of value was lost. Haaa, she sucks at magic too. Ouuuuch. No you're a failure and I'd pity you if this was a better show. Good job bitch you knocked yourself out. Good lord dude how long were you shitting? I like how the whore appears to just not own any clothes. Dipshit on cue. I enjoy how their leader could not give a fraction of a fuck. The lesson here is that they're both awful in exact opposite ways. There continue to be exactly two people in this squad that I don't want to see suffer painfully. Jojo- Maybe Polnareff will luck out and Avdol's dad has a stand that's perfect for taking down zombies, and then I'll have to cry because he has to fight his dead son. Why was Sherry's zombie naked but Avdol's zombie is fully clothed? I mean I'm not saying I'd bang the zombie I'm just saying show me his dick, you cowards. Oh jesus this is gonna destroy me. Polnareff is having a real rough day. They're zombies remember to go for the brain. Never trust a genie. This was all Poolnoodle's fault but it's hard to watch. WAIT WHAT? Please be real please be real please be real. HE'S BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK. Oh how I've missed that huge, muscular cock. Eat shit, genie. Aww Polnareff is crying and I can forgive him now. NO DON'T HURT MY BIRD. Please don't kill him again I just got him back. That's gonna leave some emotional trauma. If you touch Avdol I will kill you myself. God I love him. I'm so glad that Avdol is alive and now he's wearing a solid metal codpiece that absolutely makes me focus on his crotch. Poor baby I'll nurse you back to health. Where the hell is he hiding? Set his breathing tube on fire. I'm glad they're having fun. AVDOL OH MY GOD. That guy must have a great view. You might wanna get Polnareff to a hospital now. Haaaa, everybody else knew. I like how Avdol's dad disguise was just white hair and no pants. YELLOW SUBMARINE. Polnareff you're forgetting that Joseph is disgustingly rich. Wait, who's taking care of the chickens while Avdol's gone? Today was a great day. Gundam- Really hoping Mika doesn't die here. Did...did they skip over the entire fight? "King of Mars" does have a nice ring to it. Be careful kid, eyes don't grow back. Now that's a sword! I'm sure there's a valuable lesson we all learned here today but I couldn't tell you what it is. What is that an ashtray? Don't fuck this up, you'll get harem man killed. I mean, I'd choose basically any ally over the child fucker too. Well this dude sure is screwed. Hi harem man! Mika might be broken. Oh fuck he's paralyzed. This is probably a real bad thing. Does Mars not have doctors who could take a look at this boy who basically had a stroke? Everybody stop and take a hug break. Atra what the fuck. Oh yeah that dude is definitely alive. Someone please shoot this guy before he screws over everyone. You look like a Musketeer-themed hooker and you suck. Paint racing stripes on it, it'll go faster. I shouldn't find it so funny that Mika's getting hauled around like a sack of potatoes. I got a bad feeling about Orga's mental stability. Oh this is gonna get depressing. Sooo are we just gonna ignore Atra's sudden fetish? Hunter- I don't wanna suggest you call Hisoka in for backup but he's probably jacking off just behind the nearest tree. That is an excessive amount of humans. Buzzkill, living up to that name. Hi Titscorpion. Somebody please fucking kill that spider. A decent attempt from Buff Minotaur. Nooo not the horses. You're gonna have to kill this guy. Oh this cannot be a good thing. What in the FUCK. Oh god why is it wearing a speedo. Please don't hurt my adorable kids. Is it time for Kite to bring out his weird clown scythe? I love my children. RIDE THE LIGHTNING, BITCH. Aim for his speedo, Gon! Aw crap, he lived. Big deal, Hisoka's threatened them with worse and they still hang out with him. I'm pretty sure my kids will get out of this alive but I'm nervous about Kite's survival. Please kill the speedo rabbit. If you touch my kids I will destroy you. Yeah well if the other squads jumped off a bridge would you do it too? Wow, Thundercat's squad is hardcore. That weirdass thing in the background with tennis balls for eyes is freaking me out. Sheer willpower and rage are the only things getting me through work too. That sure is a lot of dead bodies. I got a bad feeling about this.
  13. More importantly...
  14. I'm so glad that Avdol is alive and now he's wearing a solid metal codpiece that absolutely makes me focus on his crotch.
  15. He whipped out Magician's Red again, I've missed that giant muscular cock.
  16. Why was Sherry's zombie naked but Avdol's zombie is fully clothed? I mean I'm not saying I'd bang the zombie I'm just saying show me his dick, you cowards.
  17. Maybe Pol will luck out and Avdol's dad has a stand that's perfect for fighting zombies. And then I will cry because he will have to fight his own dead son.
  18. Imagine trying to clean that ceiling afterwards. Oh no, they could never. Way too many nipples.
  19. The orgy also has straight couples, so there's not really any difference there? Literally nobody gets a happy ending in this show.
  20. I mean, there's also a pretty explicit orgy in the first episode where both women and men are seen with same-sex partners.
  21. Clover- At least the nun will go unharassed for another couple of weeks. I'm sure this guy is trustworthy. HELLO THERE DRUNK WHORE, maybe this won't be so bad after all. Aaaand we have a creepy sister fucker nevermind. Shut the fuck up nobody cares. This random sheep chef that doesn't talk is by far the best character. I do enjoy seeing Asta get hurt. Okay I like this drunk whore. Thank you for making them shut up. STOP TRYING TO FUCK THE UNWILLING NUN, YOU DIPSHIT. This whore is too good for this show. You're creepy, shut the fuck up. Does he just keep saying "good people" because they couldn't be assed to write half the script? I like how they hate him. Please kill him during training. I hate everyone here except that whore and the leader. It's a good thing his skull is too thick to hurt his brain. That tongue hand is creepy. This show is gonna give me a migraine. I don't think I'm lucky enough to have him die here. You stupid bastard. Why does everyone have to scream in this show. Come on whore, have some standards. That's a damn Naruto headband, you shitty ripoff fucks. Oh hey it's that girl and she also has enough sense to hate him. Jojo- Please be a hot dude. WAIT A SECOND IS IT MY BOYFRIEND. Awwww look at the cocks. I am so confused. Okay so Avdol's dad looks just like him only he doesn't wear pants, I can work with this. Oh no I'm going to cry I need to console these unreasonably buff old men. THIS IS YOUR FAULT, POOL NOODLE. Yes good he should feel bad. Stop letting Polnareff go off alone he always gets attacked. Aw shit it's a magic lamp. THE LAMP IS A STAND. Wish for Avdol to come back to life you asshole. Oh no, that was definitely the stand and you're going to die. Okay it's real now make my boyfriend come back. Oh my god you stupid bastard. YES BRING BACK AVDOL. I forgot about his sister but it's nice that she gets to live again. I mean I'm sure this is gonna go horrifically wrong but I'm willing to risk his life on it. Maybe get her some clothes though. Oh this is not gonna end well. Don't make me feel emotions for the toilet-licker. Well now I'm gonna cry. Ohhhhh that cannot be a good thing. I got a real bad feeling about this. AW FUCK IT'S ZOMBIES AGAIN. Somebody go rescue Polnareff, again. OH NO I WANTED HIM BACK BUT NOT LIKE THIS. Gundam- That is probably not a good thing. Now that's a sword. No of course he doesn't care, he's got a second grader at home to molest. Oh you are going to die. Take your shirt off and get in a robot already. Oh hey that one dude's still alive. This girl is probably regretting her life choices now. Aw crap the buff one's hurt. Aw crap the robot's broken. I don't understand robot science. Shut up, dick rider. Hi wives! Oh no please don't kill the wives. Use this douche as a human shield. She has had enough of your shit today, sir. She is still pulling for that harem end and I wish her the best. I don't know what most of that means but good luck kids. Someone please stab the child fucker. Man I think this is already more throuble than it's worth. Mika continues to not give a fuck. Oh my god you dumbass she is gonna beat your ass. Yeah sure put two of them in one robot so they can both die. Oh hey small child try not to get yourself killed. Aaand this is going right to hell. Aw shit did the adorable small child just die. I wanted shirtless Orga but not like this. Mika kinda has some real issues, doesn't he. Hunter- Man is there any fight happening this week that's not going tits-up? Wow that sure is sad. Come on this is just excessively tragic. Dude that is setting a really low bar for human decency. I don't even remember if we know who Gyro is but this is almost funny it's so over the top. Ohhh that's who that is. Shrektaur doesn't give a shit. Meanwhile, GUN VIOLENCE. At least Nipplegator's enjoying himself. Y'all might wanna just cut your losses and run for it. What a shock, humans with weapons are bad. Professor Penguin is perplexed. Yeah Buzzkill that's what you do with royalty. Aw crap don't give it a name you'll just get more attached. Yeah I'm sure this'll go well for anyone. Oh thank god you're smart enough to leave. SHIT. Oh god that is a huge fucking spider set it on fire now. WHELP Y'ALL ARE FUCKED. Mother of god why does he talk like a muppet. It's too late just use his death as time to run. This is a real bad idea y'all need to get the fuck out now. SHIT IT'S TITSCORPION. Never show me that face again. He's already doomed you need to escape NOW. Aw shit. Fuck you, Nipplegator. I am very afraid for my adorable children here. Okay that horse is cracking me up. Oh god that is a lot of blood. Hey Killua you should call your sexy dad in to murder these things. Lupin- Rebecca's having a rough day. Well that's different. Call Tom Hanks for help. Stop breaking reality, Leo! Bob Ross would not approve of this painting fuckery. Because treasure is shiny and buys a lot of nice things. I don't want to like him but Da Vinci's voice sure is sexy. Yeah that didn't go so well for Orpheas back in the myth. The answer here is to blow smoke on him. Fuck your husband, Rebecca. EAT SHIT, DA VINCI. Oh hey that worked surprisingly well. Let's all point and laugh at his failure. Da Vinci hates disco balls, clearly. IF YOU DIE IN THE DREAM YOU DIE IN REAL LIFE. Oh good they're alive. You don't look so good, my dude. Wow how did you not think of that. Aaaand he's dying. All of you have great potential, except Rebecca apparently. And then he died. Do all Lupin shows eventually fork off into weird shit or is it just this and Fujiko's series? Hey Zeni nice of you to join us. Sorry Nyx you're late to the party. HI FUJITITS. Hey y'all forgot Goemon. The prime suspects are the members of ZZ Top. Fuck your wife, Lupin. Ouch Lupin that's cold. Awww honey that's sweet but Fujiko has a bigger rack. Hi kitty! Robsen needs a vacation. Show, I have no idea what that says.
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