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Everything posted by tsar4

  1. Order online or occasionally at World Market/Cost Plus just prior to Mardi Gras. I think someone told me that one of the trendy grocery store chains has them.
  2. I tried the Voodoo when they came out. Honestly, they're terrible - there's no discernable flavor, they're just a mess. I'll stick with the Jalapeno ones.
  3. Didn't look around on the redirect site. Maybe if they have a comments section, we could start filling it with the vitriol we had on ASMB before it disappeared.
  4. http://www.creditcards.com/credit-card-news/help/cancel-credit-card-6000.php https://www.creditkarma.com/article/ClosingOldAccount
  5. Not sure if this is the worst thing in music or the soul crushing day I heard the MUZAK version of "Another Brick In The Wall" over a store's PA for the first time.
  6. Yeah, I don't sew very well...and following patterns is hard.
  7. Last night, mine was some sort of ceremony where I was on the stage. I apparently made some sort of error, because I stood next to the lecturn and put my hand on top of it and Ben Stein yanked me away & had me stand with him & some other person. No clue what the heck was going on - as with most of my dreams, but I rarely have anyone I recognize in them, so Stein's appearance was a surprise.
  8. There's an updated version I saw that had many more that we've lost (Greg Lake, George Michael, Andrew Sachs...), but I can't find it online.
  9. http://www.elreynetwork.com/
  10. 341 on DirecTv - Godzilla vs Destoroyah (an Aliens ripoff that looks a bit like crab monsters) on now, Godzilla vs King Ghidorah next, then Godzilla vs Biollante. The channel shows a lot of chop socky stuff. There's a Knight Rider marathon on New Years. The only shows I've seen that fit the name of the channel are Lucha wrestling, but I can't say I've watched it much other than the really bad Kung Fu movies.
  11. Because nothing says "Christmas" like a Godzilla movie marathon!
  12. They certainly think so. Best line I ever saw was something like, "In Ancient times, cats were treated as Gods...cats have never forgotten this."
  13. Guest Appearence by Rob Reiner -
  14. What's nodebb? (bet that's your answer)
  15. This one...
  16. Sorry, too freakin' old - wouldn't be prudent.
  17. Me too. And by Cats, I mean Cat.
  18. You shouldn't. I just lost a coworker a week ago last Thursday. He went in for tests in late August because he wasn't keeping food down & his gut hurt when he stood. Initial tests were Stage 4, esophageal/lung/liver. Later tests in found it pervasive in his body - bone & lymph nodes included. One day, he's joking with me about something at work, the next day gone. He was a heavy smoker.
  19. Kinda where my mind went too.
  20. Had to double check, because I was pretty sure this was a novel from decades ago. Yep, 1963. I'll let you folks snicker over the author's name.
  21. Yep. (btw - which "old board" are you referring to, Original ASMB, post-Lithium ASMB or the FreeForms version of this place?)
  22. He did a version of "Little Drummer Boy". I don't know that I've heard any other Christmas songs that he did.
  23. http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/movies/2016/12/23/stars-react-carrie-fishers-health-crisis/95807542/
  24. The first word out of every vet we took him to was, "WOW, He's big!". The dog liked chasing sticks and one day my dad jokingly told him to "get the stick" - pointing at a 2 in diameter sapling in the yard. Dad laughed as the dog grabbed hold & started yanking - until the dog pulled the thing out of the ground & started chasing my dad around with the thing. ;D
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