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Azalar Hex

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Everything posted by Azalar Hex

  1. ... how long would you wait until you eat it? I think a week is a pretty fair time frame. Any longer than that and I might as well be running a farm. I'm not sleeping on the couch forever because of some damn horse in my bedroom.
  2. Man, I was all excited because I had a new mention, too ... ( I did actually donate. It just has me listed under a different name because I stupid. )
  3. Her kids spend the weekend at my place every once in a while and her son just recently started looking for his first job. Being as I am unemployed and on disability for nothing but stink brain, I asked her if she thought it was smart for him to hang out here as much as he has. I'm sorta like an ad for the idea that you can indeed quit every job and get laid to stay at home and play video games all day. ( Something he's always complaining about me being able to do while he goes to school. ) Now she's going on about how it's not my business what he thinks and that he's gonna be a better man than I was when he grows up. I gotta learn to stop talking to people.
  4. Human babies are disgusting and anything related to their existence is disgusting. Diapers, Baby Powder, Baby Food, Bloated Leaky Ruined Tits, etc.
  5. I'm inside you.
  6. Been looking back at my posts from a long while back. I'm a negative little shit.
  7. Rick himself said there's gonna be 9 seasons.
  8. Saw. Animals. Taco. Fish Hook. Corkscrew. Elbow. Foot. Cheese. High-heeled shoe. Bacon. Glass bottle. Semen.
  9. Carrot peeler. Cactus. Penis. Cola can. Living animal. Dying animal. Dead animal. Sharp end of knife. Cheese grater. Light bulb. Hoof.
  10. Futa party? I got some dicks, you bring the girls.
  11. I have an apartment of my own that I pay for with disability checks I get for having a toxic brain and half the rent is paid by my roommate who is also my father who also pays with his disability checks that he gets for having two strokes. Living the dream.
  12. Thumbjob Thursday.
  13. I want to adopt Pawel. He's black and floofy and looks like he'd be fun to play with.
  14. I'm a white dude and I'm fine with people touching my face if they are people I wouldn't mind touching my face. So basically any attractive girl that isn't a pool of STDs.
  15. I only fart when I ejaculate so work farts aren't too common of a problem.
  16. Toaster. Can opener. Light bulb socket. Box fan. Electric cheese grater. Uncooked food. Stapler. Gorilla cage. Wall holes. Any. Waffle iron.
  17. Camping seems like the best one if I could bring a cot or something to put it my tent. Getting up off of the ground is difficult when you're old like I am. Plus the last thing I need when I get the late night shits is a full body muscle clench directing all my body parts into vertical. But yeah. Fishing, campfires, cold-ass weather ( summertime camping can bite my ass, as the mosquitoes that swarm around during that time would most undoubtedly enjoy doing as well ). I like the smell of morning air in the woods.
  18. But your favorite food tastes like diarrhea. And not the good kind. This isn't a hypothetical. I'm just telling you what is going to happen.
  19. Gonna go with suicide. If I wanted to go somewhere that had dudes putting stuff in my ass I would have stayed at the men's bible ranch.
  20. "Your child looks like baboon taint." "Your child is ugly." "Is that a child or did somebody's dog shit on a dress?" "I didn't know Rocky Dennis was doing drag shows now."
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