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Azalar Hex

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Everything posted by Azalar Hex

  1. I thought this was supposed to go away. :: mutes computer before viewing replies ::
  2. Those eggs gotta get made at some point.
  3. Have to have it to do it.
  4. Heidi Schoop ... thing. The one I found does pole stuff probably.
  5. I swear if it weren't for lady boobs I'd be gay. Those things are disgusting. Plus wangs are more disgusting.
  6. It's a shame the Sonic the Hedgehog comic went to complete shit in the end.
  7. Everything is free on the internet. And doesn't give you herpes. Most of the time.
  8. That crap is too damn sweet. The commercials make me want it, though. I love cranberry juice.
  9. I did a lot of bad fantasy writing in my late teens and one of my main characters was named Asalar. When I joined up on the ASMB, I couldn't think of a name to use so I used that one and decided to be edgy by spelling it with a Z and adding an unnecessary "Hex" to the end.
  10. I'm basically a virgin here.
  11. Slow agonizing drowning death trapped in a capsized ship or a nice quick splatter against the concrete ... suction cups, please.
  12. I got called to duty my jury about six or seven years ago. Got a sweet $11 a day. Sat through one trial, and before they decided on the verdict, they punted me off the jury with some BS excuse that they "always randomly pick one juror and remove them". They realized they had made a mistake bringing me in.
  13. And she told me to get a job. How did she know I was unemployed?
  14. Happy? ::takes a drag off cigarette:: I haven't felt that way in years ... ::dry heaves because he does not smoke::
  15. I told her it was the TV. ( She's at least 80 years old so I didn't want to startle her with the truth that I hard gas against our connecting wall when her TV is too loud. )
  16. She said it sounded like the refrigerator fell over. Successful diet.
  17. Baby stank. Just all of it. All the smells associated with it.
  18. I'm still getting a timeout on the FFA page about 20% of the time. But my wireless has been shit lately, so it could just be on my end.
  19. ( The Like button doesn't seem to work any more. ) I think I'm about out of fucks to give about online gaming. I like video games. I like the idea of playing an MMO with other people. But it's been almost 20 years and I've never found a guild or made any actual friends on these things. Just a bunch of tightly clenched cliques and morons who want free stuff. I usually keep the salt level down and probably kiss more ass than I should while playing the nice guy. But god damn it's getting old starting a new game every few months and logging in to dead silence every day. I'll keep playing during my free time, though. At some point in my life I devoted all my talent points into gaming so I'm pretty much shit loaf at everything else. I'm tired and missed taking my brain meds yesterday and today. That's probably why I'm not doing so great right now.
  20. No vent here. Nobody knows who I am. But other places where they should, they don't. :fap: I just can't make an impression on people. Nobody cares if I stay or go. But trying to stand out just isn't my style. I just want somewhere comfortable to chill where people recognize me and don't pretend that I don't exist on the rare chance I have a genuine question or comment.:fap: But if people try to get to know me they don't like me and I'm invisible anyways. :fap:
  21. Pure muscle would make you look like a piece of beef jerky.
  22. I was stalked by a large angry woman online named Sapphire back when I was 19.
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