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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. Hello, Shadow.
  2. What are we voting for again?
  3. I haven't even seen an arcade since the 90's down here. Used to love going to them. I remember the Tasty Freeze in my town back in the 80's had a Super Mario Bros. arcade in it. I had the game on NES, but that's where I learned about invisible blocks, vines, and the hidden warp zones. I watched some ''cool kid'' playing the shit out of it, and I went home and had to try it myself. I remember Pizza Hut always had a sit down Pac-Man game in them. Spent a lot of quarters on that game waiting on pizza to come to the table.
  4. The asshole that made that clip should be beaten down with a 10 pound piece of rebar.
  5. Sounds like my last trip to the bathroom.
  6. The only thing I picked was my nose.
  7. I'm in like with the chicken fajitas I made today.
  8. I'm not laughing at the situation. I'm laughing because I can see you slamming the coffee on the ground, along with some choice words following it.
  9. Ok. But you didn't vote for Trump. So, no fuck you for you.
  10. Ok. By the way he was talking, you and everyone with a heartbeat was all over him about cancer, and it went on and on in the stocks thread. I figured there was nothing to it. If he had a problem though, he should have addressed it then and there, and not derail someone's thread about a movie. This thread isn't even new. But like I told him yesterday, bruh, you're bringing up shit from April. If someone held a gun to my head and told me to quote something from April, either from here or from real life, I'd be dead. Dude holds on to shit too long. And I missed the green egg thing. Doesn't sound appealing.
  11. Unless this thread got split, I don't see any cancer jokes in this stock thread.
  12. I voted a month ago. I too voted for Biden, because Fuck Trump. And Fuck those who voted for him.
  13. Nope. I'm gonna slide on out the door. This has the potential to get real ugly, real fast.
  14. Distractions are good.
  15. Dude, she only has 4 thousand subscribers. And her name is Jerome? She's not even cute.
  16. I too have bread. Life is great.
  17. I thought this was gonna be a thread about rotten teeth.
  18. As close as I live to Florida, I've only been there twice. Once was to Jacksonville to pick up a truck part. Literally went to the truck place and came straight back home. The second time, I just went down to Florida to catch Interstate 10 to run me straight to New Orleans. Never stopped anywhere in Florida then. Never been south of Jacksonville, but did travel the whole boring ass panhandle.
  19. Well, fuck you, too.
  20. Luckily, we never had to struggle for food. Lunches were usually just junk, like Spaghetti O's or a sandwich. Breakfast was either cooked or cereal. Dinner was always cooked every night. But I do have a guilty pleasure of Hormel Chili without beans and Chef Boyardee macaroni and cheese. I'll eat them both out of the can, cold. At the same time.
  21. I do. I'd like to move to Maine.
  22. Not in Georgia. Haven't found any since the pandemic.
  23. I'd hit that.
  25. You can read.
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