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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. Not even real Lunchables. The knock off brand ones. He's a cheap bastard.
  2. My money is on ghost having a blow up doll handcuffed to his toilet. He brings her Lunchables and pretends she says, "Thanks, daddy."
  3. I was playing a game where this was part of the premise. Assassin's Creed 3. And let me tell you, the Native American assassin was a pussy, and had a terrible voice actor portraying him.
  4. I haven't missed Packard since he's been gone.
  5. The United States have always been vulnerable. It was founded by idiots. It's run by idiots. It's amazing that the United States is still on the map. God forbid the United States ever pay off all their debt. It'll be the end. The United States' main notoriety was a war it fought with........ itself.
  6. ghost, is that you?
  7. I've never watched Die Hard. Any of them.
  8. I have been to DC, Baltimore and New Orleans. Been on the outskirts of Philadelphia. Been to New Orleans a bunch of times. I'd prefer to move there, but fuck hurricanes. They get more than we do.
  9. I hit 3 first pitch homeruns in one game. Back to back to back. I grew up on a baseball field.
  10. Never experienced a loss when playing poker.
  11. This will revolutionize the port-a-potty business.
  12. That's hardcore, bro. Thoughts and prayers sent.
  13. Lightweight. I'm currently adulting on level 300. Seriously though, hope it goes well for you.
  14. If my grandfather doesn't go in one soon, I'm gonna go to one. I'm totally down for a lobotomy too.
  15. Said no woman ever.
  16. Yeah, that polar bullshit was supposed to hit us. Instead, we got early spring. It didn't even rain like the jack wagon said. Meteorologists = college degree to guess.
  17. That's what we're planning on this year.
  18. We got some about 3 years ago. Maybe once every ten years. Rarely enough to amount to anything. We've had one snow storm in my life. Knocked out the power for a week. Typically, winters are very mild here. But it is our wet season. Rains a lot in the winter here. We have a week's worth of rain in the forecast right now. It sucks, because the summer is when we could really use the rain, what, with gardens and the like.
  19. We were supposed to get a cold front here this week. Didn't happen. Just rain.
  20. I came here just to say that, and I was surprised to see anyone else say it. Pets aren't above that disciplinary ass whoopin. Of course, where I come from, if an animal bites you, you either knock the shit out of it, or shoot it. We lost a shit load of chickens one time because someone's dogs came and broke into the pen and killed all of them. Their dogs were shot for their trouble. The owner called the cops to us, and the cops said not only was there no criminal charges to be filed against us, but we could take his ass to court for the cost of the chickens. Which is what happened. Don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna go around fucking with any animals, but if they fuck around with me, they'll find out.
  21. These twats haven't seen the Hateful Eight I'm guessing.
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