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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. This isn't how a right of passage into manhood works. Also, your friends are assholes. The kid's parents are shit bags for teaching their stupid kid to walk up to people and ask if he can hit them. You old enough to talk back, you old enough to get fucked up.
  2. I like this logic. I think a New York City subway handrail would be an excellent gift to send someone this year.
  3. I'm out. I don't even buy family shit for Christmas.
  4. Ok now. Did you get played while listening to your phonograph? (mthor goes and submits a report for my behavior.. on a typewriter...and sends it in by mail).
  5. Nah it wasn't the selfies, as in a put up or shut up kind of thing. It was a I'm curious kind of thing.
  6. I mean, if I knew I was on a set timer, I'd just walk around naked and shit. Maybe rob a bank or something. Be like, fuck it.
  7. As long as you're good at giving head, you should be fine.
  8. I want to see you post a picture of yourself.
  9. If you're dying, why do you care about getting a master's degree?
  10. Let me ask before I donate a serious comment to this thread. Did my eyes deceive me, or did you admit to the ''legal age teens'' thing to all be a shtick? The whole alpha thing. I mean, even if it was a shtick, that's a low road to take for a shtick. Nevertheless, I ask in all seriousness.
  11. I don't know why people need an excuse to be an asshole. It's quite easy without having a crutch to lean on.
  12. Uhoh. I might add you on Xbox. Then we can never play together. Just ask Sawdy and Poof.
  13. As long as there's no rust in the can, they should be fine.
  14. Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
  15. Exactly. Also, people with mental illness don't parade that shit around as a "look at me'' card. She's just a piece of shit, trying to use an excuse for being a piece of shit. Especially when she got in trouble with the mods. "Oh it was my mental illness acting up again. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to talk about someone's kids."
  16. Happy Birthday, Helps!
  17. Lol. Fuck fuggs and fuck her mental illness.
  18. Holy shit. Zeni has returned. I'll be damned.
  19. I had a dream that some black dude said he filmed me being racist towards Indians. I was confused because I had no idea what he was talking about. He was trying to start some shit, so I knocked his ass out. He had dreads and a Rastafarian hat on. I remember seeing the hat flying off his head. I said something lame like, don't start shit and there won't be shit. I don't know. I'm sick today, so that dream was all over the place.
  20. I liked it. Too much naval combat for me though. Which was to be expected, since it is a pirate game. I cleared the map except for two forts that I said fuck it. Finished the game a few minutes ago. That being said, Sawdy, I will be able to game this weekend.
  21. Got my Xbox card. Haven't loaded it yet. Still on the last mission in Black Flag. Haven't played today. Been too busy.
  22. Let me grab my crayons so I can draw you a picture.
  23. I think doom has just made his Christmas list known for all interested parties.
  24. It's a Frazier fir. Suck my dick..... tree.
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