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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. Probably. There would be the chance of some new users if adult swim would actually promote it. With this site, it's just us until we either drift away or die off.
  2. Make me.
  3. I usually have to get up at 4am once a week. I've gone to bed at 7pm and then woken up at 9pm thinking I was late for work.
  4. Check out Louis Rossmann's Youtube channel. Better yet, I'll just link one of his videos. TL/YT;DW summery. Cheap parts, deny problem, blame user, offer shitty warranty that acts as a loop hole.
  5. I've dismissed TTG but it does seem to have it's moments. Like I've seen bits of an episode where they discovered the old Teen Titans show and admit theirs is bad in comparison. So at the very least, it's self aware.
  6. Wasn't AIM discontinued a while ago? I'm surprised they lasted that long with how easy texting is. My only question is how will they catch the predators now?
  7. I'm on now. My post count was reset. T_T I spent years on that.
  8. Holy crap. That's so cheap now. I remember my 6300 being more than that. I have an 8350 that I still need to put in my brothers computer. Somebody gave it to me but I've upgraded since then so he's getting my old stuff.
  9. I vaguely remember this. Must've been a long ass time ago.
  10. Doesn't ring a bell. Maybe if I saw their icon.
  11. I don't know what that is. Google got me nowhere.
  12. Is releasing a huge fart after holding it in all day.
  13. He hasn't posted on the forum in years and I don't recall him having much of a board presence. Super cool dude, though. I'm going to miss his optimism.
  14. There are pushy atheist just like how there are pushy creationist. People in both groups can be annoying. People in any kind of group can be annoying.
  15. The 4300 is better. Should be anyway. More cache, higher frequency and overall more efficient. Check out the specs on Newegg. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113287 https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103727
  16. I prefer mashed potatoes.
  17. Interesting. I'll play some FFXV to see if there's a difference.
  18. Probably not easy. For one it'll depend on how the tablet is put together. Like, can it be easily disassembled without destroying it? Next you have to have knowledge of the components responsible for the back light. You may be able to find a schematic online but you'll still have to know what you're looking at. The problem could be a fuse, a resister, capacitor or a chip that's responsible for back light communication. Or maybe you can get lucky and find some corrosion that's causing the issue. After identifying the problem, you'd have to remove the old part, replace said old part or maybe even run a wire if a trace went bad or a pad is gone. If it's like a phone, there may be some underfill under the chip and that's not something you want to mess with. With all that being said, I've never done any repairs on a tablet. Just throwing out possibilities.
  19. Sure you don't want to have some hands instead?
  20. I wonder if anybody has ever made a Christian version of Where's Waldo. You know, it'd be just like Where's Waldo but you have to find Jesus instead.
  21. So what? Let them have fun. This isn't an issue. Don't be a dick.
  22. You heathen!
  23. That's pretty fucked up.
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