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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. Cleaning. Exercising. Fixing something that needs to be fixed. Improving skills. Learn a new language.
  2. Something productive?
  3. Might have been what I got done. Somehow my ankle got an infection and had to take some medication as well as get a shot in my "hip". Leg burned if I stood still so I either had to lie down or walk about. Also found out I'm slightly allergic to penicillin during this time.
  4. Me. I've never been high nor drunk.
  5. I'm debt free right now.
  6. That can't be true because there are still puppies in existence.
  7. Watched it two days ago and I enjoyed it
  8. Why would you want to cry?
  9. I played quite a bit in high school and just start playing again not too long ago. Not super serious about it. Just an occasional game between friends.
  10. Buy CD's/download MP3s Copy to phone Profit It's nice not having to deal with Apple's shit.
  11. I've been working on my Naruto run.
  12. Nice fucking squid right there.
  13. You took it to a vet afterwards right? I'm sure they could have saved it.
  14. Can't say that I have.
  15. A cousin I have in Iowa got busted for making a pipe bomb. Don't think he got to do anything with it.
  16. Pretty sure Russia already has that down to a science.
  17. This is really the only logical explanation.
  18. Like, at all. : /
  19. Then exercise and/or change your diet.
  20. Easy once you know how it works. I see people shitting on common core but it actually makes sense. A large reason why so many people have trouble with math here in the US is because we're basically just told to memorize things. Also you should realize that just because something works on paper doesn't make it's going to work as well in your head. From what I've seen from common core, it teaches you to break down the numbers so that it's easier to figure out without something to write on or a calculator. Common core looks retarded on paper but makes a lot of sense if you actually think about it.
  21. This is actually what I assumed it did because the carbon might make it abrasive.
  22. I looked it up myself. Looks like it's mostly used for whitening and it does seem to be more expensive.
  23. Really? Because you definitely typed all and not most. An online search says most toothpastes contain pretty much the same proportions of the same active ingredients. Where are you getting your information? Are you an expert? I also noticed that you didn't answer my previous questions about price and benefits. EDIT: I see the edit now.
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