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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. The only fix I can think of you being able to try is to make sure the port isn't gunked up. My brother kept having problems with his charge ports until I took a look at one of his current phone and cleaned out the port with a needle. Lightning is quite a bit different than micro, though.
  2. I've checked out some PC hardware on Newegg, Amazon and Best Buy. Looks like most of it is discounted under 10 dollars and they hiked the "original" price up to make it look like it's a better deal than what it is.
  3. Get one. Mine was only 20 and was easy enough to install. No temp control, though but hey, no more raw asshole.
  4. Mine isn't too bad but I think you live in a colder area.
  5. I've never been drunk.
  6. Yeah. That was the selling point.
  7. Fucking amazing. Would recommend.
  8. Careful now. You may give yourself a headache.
  9. I seem to be one of those people who don't get headaches.
  10. My advice? Skate better.
  11. Every now and then he feels so insecure.
  12. Appropriate username.
  13. Sounds like you've been watching naughty things.
  14. I feel like banning him from the forums directly led to this and it's glorious. The rest of the internet is getting to experience the magnificence of Zeni.
  15. Fuck. Guess they have to do it again.
  16. The nice part of not watching TV is that I don't have to put up with those.
  17. No but I once kneed myself in the chin while flipping off some monkey bars causing me to bite a hole through my tongue.
  18. That's what smart phones are for. Sorry for shitting on it but just don't expect much gaming wise.
  19. "Laptop" "All kinds of gaming" "8 gigs of RAM" Does not compute.
  20. I'd like to get rid of all of the major holidays. You may say, "Think of the kids" but that's what I'm doing. Those kids grow up and have to put up with the same bullshit we do. I'm thinking long term.
  21. Sometimes I wonder why people still listen to the radio.
  22. I do but my beef is that they're still doing this shit.
  23. Remember Antennagate where iPhones had crappy reception and then Apple blamed the users for holding them wrong? I 'member. Remember how shitty Apple maps were? I 'member. Then there's an issue with the quality of the iPhone X's causing issues with the touch screen. Apple has had a long history with ignoring problems, blaming users and having shitty warranties that limits who gets covered. Not to mention their anti right to repair stance. Fuck Apple.
  24. Then buy and install one. Righty tighty, lefty loosey. Easy as that.
  25. So let me get this straight. Your detachable shower head hose is too short to clean your public pool and and buying a shower head with a longer hose wouldn't help?
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