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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. What's wrong with accepting an offering? If only I felt like I could confide in anyone, because please explain to me how a man can have relationship problems with hookers.
  2. Pussy.
  3. Urban dictionary led me to believe this involved fucking. My expectations were not met.
  4. You said way too much about a rodent that was drawn to look cute. It's absurd. How do you have such an expansive opinion on a rabbit with an ass and tits?
  5. Amusingly enough, so is the aristocrats joke. I think the joke originated from vaudeville players but I can't remember.
  6. So I learned things I didn't need to today.
  7. God dammit, Gantz.
  8. Well it is the off-season. I was going more with the wrong time thing.
  9. Never had one, I like the Huskers sort of but I have to. I don't think I've watched any sports in three years though. Just because the super bowl is an event, may be longer otherwise. Lately I've felt like watching a hockey game but I don't care who I see. Whether it's San Diego What Is Ice or the Anaheim Ducks hockey was a fun sport to watch live, one of the best maybe. Liking the Broncos, that's just cause Elway was a great QB. Sports are just sports, more fun to play than watch. Even if I suck I can laugh about how bad I am.
  10. He was my favorite person in Get Him to the Greek. My house is gonna look like a fucking werewolf!
  11. Never let them see you coming! HOOAH
  12. And I can always hate them year round.
  13. This is a horrid draconian law. I am questioning your judgement as a leader.
  14. We'll probably need balloons because I want volume measurements. Varied volumes and durations, this isn't your kid's baking soda volcano I'm going to get some answers here.
  15. As long as I can conduct a simultaneous experiment involving farting smoke.
  16. Can anyone say she wasn't sexy?
  17. The tides of eternity swing in two directions, and in the realm of politics both of them are motherfucking lame. I don't know how numbered those days are, but it really should be short because what the fuck are we all doing?
  18. Hm. If this is legitimate thank you for this valuable demonstration.
  19. You gotta wonder about underworld and gulag.
  20. Break the deal, spin the wheel!
  21. It isn't very poisonous. Don't eat it or anything.
  22. God damn people are stupid. Diablo 3 was sitting at 60 in the nintenstore which seemed stupid cause I was sure it was old, but I grabbed it at 30 because that seemed reasonable. Came with all the expansions at least. And I like the game, so hey.
  23. I'm surprised no one linked to the story about the DC national guard being given deployment restrictions one day before the insurrection. This shit is starting to get real meaty now.
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