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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. God dammit Zeni.
  2. Lol, that storm was bad in Cali. It was beautiful and then the temp dropped 20 degrees when it showed up.
  3. Dude, this reads like you're trolling. Maybe years of trolling left it your only way of communicating in print. Just like I can't remember how to write in cursive.
  4. Good luck to you bro, I hope the doc gave you 50% chances just to scare the shit out of you. Hope you make it through this and none of your organs become useless.
  5. Charcoal is what I would say. But i think that about most meat.
  6. Fixed my email for you guys.
  7. The one I live in now is like 20 percent of the US economy and is most of the reason for every produce section in America.
  8. This is pretty important and you're ignoring the problem. @K_N HAHAHAHA. So, is the next toilet email I create going to become a problem or what is the degree of contact you want with me. Because I have dictated that to all websites, many in capital letters.
  9. Oh yeah, and he probably doesn't like his toys. If he messes with plastic rubber balls could be his thing. A cat's favorite toy is one they can manipulate themselves, and I've seen it with all kinds of things. Rubber bands, lengths of string. I took rubber bands from one and she got addicted to awesome jumps after that. But she religiously clawed wood. So maybe your cat likes plastic shit. Marshmallows are incidental because marshmallows are delicious.
  10. So wtf is happening and when so I can make another toilet email for the occasion? I thought emails stay open. @Raptorpat you should make it so Faptorpat can @ you.
  11. I don't even remember what email I used and I have never signed up for peripheral internet with my normal email.
  12. How many years have we been telling him to do this? I advocated for it on ASMB.
  13. Hah, sorry. It happened a long time ago, I was just thinking about animal personalities. I liked that cat, and those two weeks were so odd. Apparently she lived at our neighbors house too and she stayed with them for a week too. Once she started feeling okay with us she would hop on the hood of my car while I was still pulling in the driveway. Even walked in my window a few times. It's interesting to me an animal would take the time to say bye to people.
  14. So I was thinking about my mom's cat. She must have become really aggressive when the previous owners declawed her and they probably couldn't deal with it. When she came to our house she was invisible for three days, and I was the first person she said hello to. I can't remember if I had my dog at the time, when I took him on walks he was two steps behind me. One day I accidentally punched her, she but me HARD for no reason and it was just a reaction from me. All four fangs sunk and I was just coming up to pet and say hello. Luckily I'm not so nuts I hurt her, definitely stunned though. She shook her head and ran off. So funny, after that if she felt she had to bite me it was always a warning bite. I felt so bad when I punched her but I did my best to measure that instant reaction in my head that went, "holy shit you're punching a cat you need to cut that shit hard!" She got comfortable and quit biting after like 5 years, lol, and I got a kitten later. So I had been through about eight litters of kittens because of my brother's slutty cat and i knew how to have fun with these jerkasses. So i have a cat that plays fetch and climbs my clothes to sit on my shoulders, and hides behind corners to tackle my mom's cat and run away. I come home from work one day and I see my cat dead in the street with a hole in her head. I call animal control and go to my room because I can't deal with it. Apparently my mom's cat went to lie next to her. Before my mom's cat was put to sleep she came to hang out with me for two weeks. Since she lived there and knew my habits too she knew exactly when to crawl into my bed and fall asleep hugging me. Cause I am not something you sleep next to, but I am a pile of shit for hours after I wake up. While she was with me one day she started rubbing her eye aggressively and pulled out a huge chunk of that third eyelid, and I can't remember if I cried but I definitely hugged her. After those two weeks her temper changed and she stayed outside, even growled when I tried to pet her once. She was sitting in the street and wouldn't move because I felt like she figured it was the place to go to die.
  15. https://www.npr.org/2021/01/27/961215604/suspect-pleads-guilty-in-plot-to-kidnap-michigan-governor-turns-government-witne
  16. I tried so hard to find the Louis CK bit where he talked about sitting on his friend's ass because he liked the pressure and wondered if it was gay or if he was a great friend. Well, I mean I spent at least 3 minutes which is forever in search crafting time.
  17. I had a cat that used to bust open a very weak bathroom door to watch me go. Could be a protective thing, so maybe a cat has your back. That's good cause cats only like agreeable people.
  18. I didn't even know that was the case. I just like letting Jingai know his racism is transparent to many people
  19. Just think if the sign was calfed brains.
  20. Man, Jingai sure doesn't like it when you point out white supremacist benefactors and corruption in Trump's governing, the guy that didn't understand why people around him were mortified by the riot. It's so weird he has a problem with these things.
  21. I went looking for memes a while back and found an article about them. From none other than our old friend Dailymail. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9164047/Trump-loving-MyPillow-CEO-Mike-Lindell-sparks-wave-memes-support-voter-fraud-theories.html
  22. I was gonna look for the Lego porn site but I found lego porn videos instead... How times have changed.
  23. Yeah. If I remember deer in America don't really have natural predators so they don't see anything as dangerous.
  24. I have never watched this and no one will make me do it.
  25. I don't try to be complex which I think is one of the biggest human obstacles. Also there's less people so less people to get to know. I'm just one of those board people where almost everyone that knew them is gone now. I mean pat was kinda around the chats, but the tamer iteration towards the end. Apparently missing taco island was regrettable. The perspective of a mote of dust does not sit well among a people that imagine themselves titans. I have an odd motivation in life now and if anyone sees my goal they can join in or laugh at me. I love making people laugh.
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