It got too personal so I got rid of it. It was pretty interesting after that first one was so fun, I kept hitting the button hoping the next word was better but gut checks just kept coming.
God damn I'm ready for Chick-fil-a again, I was recently thinking about when the boycott happened I had no idea what this place was.
Gay people picked a real battle with Chick-fil-a because this shit is delicious.
The Chick-fil-a app has like three free sandwiches sitting on deck for me. I don't even know why but it rules. I was thinking how the orange chicken is barely good started thinking about chicken.
Yes, that's just vandalism. I don't care if finding out horse cum is one of humanities most cherished fluids hilarious only to me. It is so fucking funny horse cum can be worth millions of dollars.
I'm pretty sure before we got rid of some birds one male was raping the other one. As far as nature is concerned I don't think rape has an observed morality.