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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. The drunk option is there.
  2. The truth about bananas is incredibly sad.
  3. Oh my fucking god, lol. When I was in high school a couple guys rolled up in a Tracker with hydraulics in the trunk that stood higher than their heads. It was amazing.
  4. Processing the rationale that people look at a horse dick and say "I need this in my life" will probably never stop being funny to me.
  5. I actually had a fast and furious moment at 7-11 one day. There's gotta be a good drag strip measure near there cause I'd hear them a lot, and the road does die at night. I heard the racing, later sirens, and about five seconds after I pull into the parking lot it completely fills with really nice cars. Seconds after they were all settled and cars were off a cop sped past, which made me laugh. One guy held the door for me. Those racing guys are funny, their cars were so clean. Not one car in the lot looked like it was getting worked on, they went out with their finished projects to go illegally tear up some road. My last boss challenged me to a race in heavy traffic (but moving at interstate pace) on the road one day but he didn't know I delivered pizzas for seven years. He lost by a lot, I used to look for traffic seams for a living, literally. He also did come up behind me though. He started with little chance. When you get to the point of driving where you can feel how the car handles extreme maneuvers in the wheel and your ass racing is such a temptation. But Tokyo Xtreme Racer is my all time favorite racing game, so racing through traffic is what I find the most fun, so I can't race in a way I find fun safely outside of a game.
  6. When I first found out you were mixed I was gonna ask what branch of the military your dad was in but I left it alone. There are tons of mixed asians here and it's a joke with... shit, actually I bet most Asians joke about that.
  7. Don't worry, women love confusing man. It might be their favorite thing.
  8. An artificial metric based upon a way of life no natural being could possibly enjoy! I succeed at enjoying humanity.
  9. There are many forms of success. I succeed at laughing every single day.
  10. So the people that stif are getting the service they deserve... That's a pretty genius way to keep drivers happy and a good customer base. Cause if the people who don't take care of your drivers stop ordering who cares.
  11. How long have you been doing it? I found upper class to be largely the worst tippers, underclass, which, come on, would usually give me a buck at least. Upper class would stiff me with no internal issue more frequently than anyone. I have delivered 70 pizzas and pounds of salad and been stiffed. But I've also delivered 90 and tipped 150, it's a crap shoot with the upper crust. I think the preference can be that the over tipping can make up for the 40% rate of zero.
  12. I've heard an area of Idaho goes silent on CB radios because the stretch of highway is so beautiful. I would guess it's coming down the Rockies. Just something I heard, it's your vacation.
  13. You'd be surprised what four guys with a rope can do.
  14. I left my phone in the car when I walked into bars. As was a style at the times, as you could only talk on them. My vivid memory of this was cleaning my room and finding a dozen numbers on business cards and matchbooks and having no idea how they happened.
  15. All of my weird numbers were on matchbooks and shit. I didn't even carry my phone when I went out.
  16. This is a great man.
  17. God dammit @ghostrek
  18. When alcohol is involved.
  19. Looks are like 40 percent of getting a woman.
  20. For sure, but he's gotta keep that going. And stop looking for supermodels.
  21. You could have the foundation for a skyscraper but everyone will just wonder why that tin shed is on top of it.
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