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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. I don't consciously do it but new words always find their way in. One time someone said to me, "who talks like that?" I do. I am the man who speaks in such a manner.
  2. I'd buy that if any of the wings on their menu weren't cheetoh flavored. Why does a person that does this have the money to do it? It's mystifying, I'd think the proprietor would have drowned themself with their saliva before getting close to owning a restaurant serving mostly cheetoh flavored wings.
  3. Try our cheetoh flavored wings and cheetoh inspired sides! I'm really hoping covid kills a lot more people. How does a person making cheetoh flavored hot wings have the money to start a business. I will never understand this.
  4. My sister told me the homeless population is blowing up, damn. Just be homeless in Cali, you can get an EBT card and the weather is far better. I don't even understand how some people just get by out here. I saw one guy that clearly lived a hiking lifestyle, had a stick and a pack with all the camping gear you need. And I met a marine that just lives on the beach and smokes weed constantly. He thinks it's the best life ever, he just has a PO Box. And those are some people I'm capable of understanding. I see people in decent houses that are home all the time. It's such a huge contrast.
  5. Oh shit it's time for laundry!
  6. *googles* That looks like a no, at least I ate there last time I was around. Too bad, that was some good ice cream.
  7. I'm quite aware of their beer selection, I bet Petrow's has some of the best BLTs but you go there for the open faced roast beef sandwich and homemade ice cream. Those sandwiches are probably the only time I eat gravy, something about bread sopped in gravy. We made those at home too, lol. I think it's around 30th or 40th street... shit might be on Farnam but I think it's Dodge. I think I heard Farnam was getting gentrified, probably working on kicking all the poor into north and south O so police can drive less at night and west O stations can be for napping.
  8. You might like how that happened, it was 8 to 15 people in a chat and someone goes "let's all make JeNewBee alts." And everyone there just said it sounds good.
  9. I remember some hy-vees having little restaurants in them but I wasn't aware they served anything other than brunch. Lol, how are you gonna put a bar in a hy-vee? There's already a mountain of alcohol for sale there.
  10. Oh, a Hy-Vee deli? That's fine I guess, I thought you might have found an interesting restaurant.
  11. Where at? I know all the best places there.
  12. I was this one during your alt party.
  13. This reminds me of my drunk antics. All I did was stream information into my head and drink at that moment. What the fuck doth life. Also @Raptorpat is super jealous of my awesome new email address.
  14. I think they're a little more expensive, but I haven't really looked. Since these are pieces of art you're buying the price has it's own standard, cause if one guy is charging 4 then there's nothing stopping people flying to go see him for tattoos if 6 is the price they charge around town. They save money and get out of town a bit, and some people are nuts and will get a full sleeve in a week. Those people that do 10 hour sessions are way too into pain.
  15. I looked some time ago but 50k sticks out in my head.
  16. I've heard lots of people spending six on sleeves.
  17. This is now an earworm for me and I hate it. But I can't stop laughing.
  18. Oof. That sucks. I only had to do 23 and my job was like yeah come work again.
  19. It actually was probably closer to seven feet tall, it was easy to see it was taller than me and really enormous. A cow of a deer. I'm not even sure if I would shoot it from a hunting perspective, it was such a grand animal I'd rather it live.
  20. There has been more than one. Was this the guy that got out with body armor and guns? I kinda remember that. But I remember the wahoo destroy shit and come out with your hands up guy way more.
  21. Final form joke on deck, fill in the blanks yourself for the best joke you ever heard.
  22. I was thinking of looking up dui sentences in Tennessee and the last time he posted but it wasn't something I cared to research.
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