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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. I don't know or care if this is referencing me, I just feel like more Americans need to know they can legally own a tank. Personally my savings is currently dedicated to my future tank rampage where I have a bullhorn to tell police I'm not fucking stopping until I run out of gas so deal with me running over shit for a couple hours and clear the way. I might drive through a Hobby Lobby if it's Sunday, who knows. WE CAN ALL BUY TANKS.
  2. So there's canyons all around San Diego and the first time I saw a deer it was in the parking lot at work and it probably weighed 500 pounds. Jez asked me how many points and I didn't know what that meant and then I wondered why I should care how many antler points are on it. But it was probably an 87 point buck.
  3. My dream life.
  4. Black cars look dirty fast, and that's my only car thought. Buy a tank and make people stay out of your way, you can own one as long as the turret is inoperable.
  5. He really needs a show called What the Rock Cooks.
  6. They're overhauling black hole theory right now. So the universe is a bit closer to being the self-perpetuating engine of life I think it might be. Net positive, I'd say. https://phys.org/news/2021-02-ghost-particle-shredded-star-reveals.amp
  7. Man. You're pretty stupid.
  8. Conversation not insertion, jesus. If they don't like the conversation they can leave. It's like you never sat around talking about dicks before.
  9. You just force it into the conversation. Everyone loves talking about dicks.
  10. If you practice on I-70 you'll be able to see cops from miles away.
  11. Just date short girls. There's a whole army of women that I have to listen to a bunch of ouch and that hurts. And there are lots of cute short women.
  12. I have heard that someone needs to do it, however. So you could just be talking yourself out of job opportunities here.
  13. "sexy clowns"
  14. Sorry, wrong link.
  15. So that's why my children are dead.
  16. IT WAS ALL NON WHITES! IT'S A CONSPIRACY TO HURT REPUBLICANS. Except that guy is a republican conspiracy theorist. All this racism is getting confusing.
  17. So I don't interact with many people and this decision feels better all the time. My 20's were fun enough. Now I'm just sleepy.
  18. I hope people are telling them lifting weights doesn't fix their personality. If not tell every normal person there to do that.
  19. Shaq and a shitty computer for typing.
  20. *laughs in california*
  21. We'll have the summertime for that. I forgot what era we had a mini ice age, 16 to 18 hundreds. Apparently winter festivals became a big thing.
  22. It's so cute! Shaq liked it too. So ends the era of phone typing.
  23. That sounds like a good use for them, but this was a full bread loaf for work sandwiches. On the third day I was ready to throw it out and buy a loaf of wheat. But like any poor person, I rode it out because I bought the food, dammit.
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