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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. https://www.space.com/uranus-emitting-x-rays-chandra-observations Just so you're aware.
  2. Is this guy racist or wtf was his problem?
  3. Nothing happened quickly in an eight minute response time. All things following now are suspect.
  4. Pretty good thread you got here Pat.
  5. No this guy isn't joking, he's complicit in racism. It's really easy to make racist jokes about white people using no slurs. Totalitarianism is hilarious.
  6. Ahhhhh!
  7. Who picked that part for a trailer? They should get kicked in the nuts.
  8. There's a species of monkey an Afghanistan that has certain groups of heroin addicts. They eat the hell out of the opium flower like a koala with eucalyptus.
  9. Numbers and counting is actually way beyond calculus.
  10. Hope you need less soon. I'm hoping that's the case for me.
  11. That was not the cast member I expected it to be.
  12. From what I heard about the game, probably?
  13. Possibly sometime but the advantages of problem solving are being underestimated. I was reading about bonobos and in a random treat test between them and other animals bonobos and dogs would first look at the person in the room to determine where to find the treat, presumably. And how are you gonna present a topic and require a book of backstory? Which reminds me, did you catch The Big O on somethingawful? I'm really close to buying a copy of that thing. Once 80 or so pages go by that book really goes for it.
  14. But your initial posit was devolving, which I think is an impossibility. I came out a door and waved a raccoon out of the trash and led it across the street. After we negotiated this movement i bowed and said thank you, because I'm weird. But the raccoon bowed back. The chaos everything looks like, evolution only sharpens. Wild animals negotiate with predators and point out the idiots to kill. The brain will not degrade.
  15. But why act like the makeup caught the man when he's been trying to imagine her completely naked the whole time?
  16. I wonder at what point women recognize that they dress up for other women.
  17. Did they ask you to name the car?
  18. Your state has certified you to drive the hell away!
  19. The day I see dick out advertising I will laugh about what the advancement of the human race has to transition.
  20. No, I don't think there is anything to drive this other than human eradication. The way physicists typify societies is a good progression, but the means of achieving any of them are vague. When we begin to cooperate as a world how much does that mean? If one planet genetically engineers themselves into oblivion for freedom does orderly society need to care when they have to deal with zero of it ever? The longer we hang on the further our intelligence will develop and we would probably live like the Chozo, gently guiding nature to form our home instead of reconstructing it.
  22. I want you to know I have no understanding of half of what you said. Edit: I reread and half is generous because I understand none of that.
  23. I think there's a tendency towards a return to an agrarian society but I don't think an attachment to nature could make aspects of our mind less necessary. If humans developed to the point where a life harmonious with nature was an objective we would evolve into planet custodians more likely than dolphins. And if we evolved into dolphins we would build cities.
  24. It is difficult at times, and for those times, we have steroids and human growth hormone. I can't wait to see how gigantic my head becomes.
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