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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. It's not too bad to sit at a table 100 floors up in Chicago and have a thirteen dollar beer. Might be twenty now, lol.
  2. Oh man, I think if you go to the top of the Hancock tower you have to get a drink, get Great Lakes brewer's Edmund Fitzgerald porter. It's the best beer I ever had, try it if you don't even like beer. And if you dont wanna bother going up 100 floors for an overpriced beer share a six pack with your friends. Very much the best beer I have ever had.
  3. I'm not ecstatic about it but I also had a bank teller bouncing her tits at me during my transaction and she was pretty cute. Before anyone questions my perception she was literally smiling and hopping up and down while we talked. This pandemic has created a lot of single women extremely thirsty for some Dickens Cider.
  4. So he's taking up Vegas residency and likes strip clubs... if I see this dude at Hong Kong or Adelitas I'll have to yell at him for showing up at a real strip club.
  5. You mean I can actively seek out gonorrhea? Because I really need some gonorrhea in my life.
  6. You guys must have been the biggest asses during all that trolling. YouTube was hilarious for like six months. That was my barometer when I felt the need to check it.
  7. And I'm not sure how to make it DF worthy, I could talk about this guy I know who told me he's been agonizing over some chick he went on one date with six weeks ago. I started asking if he's been talking to her and what's she doing and he was really evasive. Just kept saying how perfect she was. I fucking can't even with this guy, I almost want to wingman for him to see how he's fucking up.
  8. You gotta stop calling it a clunge, I like that word too much.
  9. It worked out as far as future visits being more tailored to me but I'm not dumping a bunch of cash to get to know her. I may not even see her again, who knows. That's the plan, not looking for any bullshit, just a wet hole. Lol, looks like I'll need to screen heavily. Seems like every bad Tinder story I hear is at least funny.
  10. So this is the app I want to use if I'm looking to contract gonorrhea, right? Nothing better came along?
  11. I approve of this quote and picture pairing.
  12. Damn I bet whatever this is is so offensive...
  13. Perhaps the weird topics were the friends we made along the way.
  14. Yet the weirdest was always right in front of you.
  15. This is the weirdest thread I have ever seen.
  16. My youngest sister gave me a lawn gnome she stole.
  17. What matters is the assumption I should know. How I choose to board is how I choose. You shouldn't expect everyone to know everything about you, it feels like that symptom of how the internet can make people feel famous. This was a legit joke about picking up women I used to make with people on ASMB. "I'm not sure if you're aware of this but I'm pretty popular on the internet. How about we go somewhere quieter and talk?"
  18. I did not know that until I read this sentence and now that is my only care on this subject. Why would you impose your life upon me as though I am supposed to be privied to it at all times? The unbelievable arrogance of humanity will never surprise me.
  19. Well this is intriguing, I wonder why Capitol police weren't deployed with nonlethals this time... https://www.npr.org/2021/04/13/987047876/report-capitol-police-leadership-equipment-deficiencies-hampered-jan-6-response
  20. My shift could start at 11 but 2:30 is really fucking chill. Cali goes to bed early though, so that part sucks.
  21. I have no idea, I just know I am a crotchety old man now. Every sexual thing I do now seems like a crime against god.
  22. Do you have any idea how old I am now? You did help me feel like the garbage I deserved to feel like at that moment though. And you were totz fun about it. Bitches love smiley faces.
  23. Were the sandwiches fucking adequate!? I need to know exactly how I'm supposed to cum.
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