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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. This is interesting because I know how the program is supposed to work. At the first question the program was supposed to make an association between how you are feeling and what you wanted to talk about. Your next response threw it for a loop so it tried to reiterate and find a place to go. The "We were discussing you, not me" line was the first attempt at recovery to protocol. From then on it tried to keep you from referring to it and to start talking about yourself. That's actually pretty cool. With this program you're supposed to treat it properly and answer the questions directly. Talking to it otherwise puts it into a mode that tries to find the way back to its function.
  2. Annoying posts really are one of the best ways to troll a thread.
  3. You know you want to put your innermost fears and secrets on a phone app. Come on, who's gonna find any use for it?
  4. Hah, that makes that character a little bit funnier.
  5. The Russian spies are doing their job well. Continue supplying all your personal thoughts to the Mother Land so they might use more effective social engineering and make these filthy Americans something the Russians can be proud of.
  6. To the man that invented it it was a shocking revelation in the ability of human beings to form bonds with non-human entities. When people started sneaking into his office to use the program he said he could hook the program up to a printer so he could log the programs behavior, and people lashed out saying it was spying and an invasion of privacy.
  7. It's just aging. It won't kill you right away.
  8. Wow, someone repackaged ELIZA as an app? http://psych.fullerton.edu/mbirnbaum/psych101/Eliza.htm
  9. Easy.
  10. Relieved.
  11. You still see kids outside?
  12. Member Share space.
  13. Or the personality of a leech that only feeds from others.
  14. I was an AP third grader.
  15. But I like em better without the metal.
  16. I got whatever the Civ gene is. I like creating an empire and destroying the entire world.
  17. You my bitch now.
  18. Or needing to reinstall the game because there's no way to get out of the glitch that happened.
  19. Given what I hear about Idaho Montana is probably beautiful in some places.
  20. I would probably get incredibly bored by that game after one play, but the five year old child in me loves the idea of designing dinosaur exhibits.
  21. You're 23 posts away from being able to find it.
  22. I wish I could remember more lines from that episode. I was more of a Travis of the Cosmos guy.
  23. Damn, looks like I missed it.
  24. Everyone is welcome to punch me in the face until I go into a coma.
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