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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. RainyDayJizz#35


  2. *psssst* It's probably pictures of food.
  3. I know you have fun designing things, okay. I like blowing up everything.
  4. They aren't nerd games, Second Life Unfiltered.
  5. She likes this kinda thing though. I apologize. This calamari sucks. I give up on it.
  6. I have this book. I'll look for a good picture in a moment.
  7. It's good to remember her information like that, it let's her know you care.
  8. I am neglectful of my money and you make me feel better.
  9. Let's all take a moment to remember this thread began here.
  10. Blandest shellfish I've ever had! Full steam ahead for Blandsville! Private Bland, reporting for duty General Crab Legs!
  11. No wait, they gotta make it sound good. 1.013%
  12. O.00453%
  13. Wave your dick at them.
  14. "Special EasyStart 1 yr" Abbreviation for "we don't count on you to follow through with this commitment."
  15. YOU ATE LOBSTER. Lobster isn't even delicious. Yellowtail is my favorite, But if you can't like a piece of salmon nagiri you're not going to like sushi.
  16. Well, I suppose turning things from "getting to know you" to "sexual" didn't work out as you planned.Funny how that can happen.
  17. Of course babe. I took out a bunch of money and I was surprised when I looked at my account balance. I felt like I spent a lot of money when you were here but it didn't hit me very hard. Next time you come out we should be close to this place called The Butcher Shop. I heard the prime rib is great there, along with all the other meat. Oh! and I remembered they have sushi with cooked things in it. So we are getting sushi next time, and you're trying one piece of raw fish because it might surprise you. Salmon nagiri friggin' melts in your mouth.
  18. Legalized marijuana is the shit. I woke up at ten and there was no way I was dealing with the line at my store.
  19. Care to find out how long forever is sometime?
  20. You already sent nudes didn't you.
  22. I need you with me to stop! I can't stand the way you look at me when I smoke. Also you know I'm not even close to having erectile dysfunction. Well, it might be a dysfunction but it's definitely not a problem.
  23. Get him a fleshlight, too. So he can see what sex looks like with adult-sized genitals.
  24. I keep telling her text isn't the same as human interaction. I told her what you people amount to to me, it might seem insulting since we've been posting together for ten years but it is what it is. You could say it's like a house party and you're all people I don't hang out with but I see around to say hey. I like you guys fine but you amount to little in my life. I'd hang out with plenty of you but you know. Can't take a bullet train halfway across the country in a couple hours. Also the older I get the less I want to hang around people. I'm lucky enough that my mind is a wonderful place to retreat. Sometimes I couldn't even tell you what I'm thinking about. It's hard to imagine my mind not being a place of comfort.
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