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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. "I thought they were for when you had diarrhea or something so you could just go through the hole."
  2. That's probably close. You must have forgotten what emergency boxers were. Damn your goldfish memory.
  3. Doesn't it start after Halloween every year?
  4. This was worth the derailment. Thank you.
  5. So she lived with your mom for two years before you went out there?
  6. Someone noticed she shouldn't be under your supervision?
  7. How many times do you think I've watched it?
  8. Yes, deal with that while I sleep.
  9. With the amount of overtime I work I wish it was like that again. I miss it.
  10. Must be why I wanna stick with her, since pussy power doesn't work on a guy like me for long. Enjoy your gonorrhea.
  11. Congrats, that is the complete opposite of how I walk out of job interviews.
  12. Haha, 3 days of the week the first 20 minutes to an hour are spent cleaning up the mess first shift made because they are incredibly disorganized.
  13. But I like it curly....
  14. How does replacing an unclear she with your daughter equate to this? You at least have some gold medals in mental gymnastics cause I don't even know how you got there.
  15. She provides the butter to make sure her daughter's never hotter than she ever was.
  16. I look at my life and know what a depressing sentiment that truly is.
  17. It's funny how you begin the title "what I did to acheive" and then list your daughter's accomplishments. When she discovers her value in your life you're fucked.
  18. She is protesting your lack of cat language. Your mouth is bullshit. I forgot to post in that thread with the video of your cat chirping. She likes you.
  19. I got that recently and it wasn't as good as I remembered it being. The Frostys are cheaper I think. When I ate it by itself it wasn't the same as I remembered. Might be better to give some chocolate ice cream a good stir.
  20. Oh shit, how are we gonna get invited to the cool parties now!?!
  21. Alright, you're gonna have to give me some pointers cause i don't know anything about hair, makeup, or how to dress well.
  22. Oh shit, now i get it. It was too early for intricate racism and i don't see those Jews much. Like I may have seen three in my life.
  23. Yes. Certain fat people that sit in front of a computer eating doritos and lording their downtime like a prize.
  24. We'll see what happens when she calms down. I really hate bringing this shit here but I'm apparently in a relationship with the female Ron Burgundy.
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