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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. The only one I can remember is running and jumping off the edge of a hill. As I fall to the ground the hill's slope declines at the rate I'm falling, so I spend the entire dream an inch from death. I don't know if I have this dream anymore.
  2. That child's body is horrifying. The chair screams are funny though.
  3. There were at least one or two text passwords you would never get from kanji unless you spent a long time, because it was a word if I remember right.
  4. This might be the best thing that's happened to me today.
  5. No it wouldn't unless you know Japanese. It's a text heavy game. I don't know how good GBA emulators are for phones these days, if you think your phone is beefy enough to handle it go for it. If you can't run the translator program on a phone do it on a computer then email it. I actually somewhat recently played the first Mother. It was pretty good although slightly cryptic, but NES games are. Mother 3 Is really amazing though.
  6. I made fun of a guys shirt for no reason for about five minutes in seventh grade. He goes, "Well look at your shirt." And I say, "Yeah but I don't care." He let out an exasperated sigh and turned around. Some people just wanna fuck with you to find out how fun you are.
  7. That is less offensive.
  8. But will anyone even know why?
  9. Had to use this one, huh?
  10. But how could she ever trace an object smaller than what she drew? There is simply no way to do it.
  11. I thought you got tired when you were talking to me, but clearly you just wanted to get back to Rick and Morty.
  12. Poke a dead animal with a stick.
  13. Hi Dying.
  14. It's a complex explanation. It's nice when someone likes who you are though.
  15. I'm not a big fan of gifting. I'd rather it be a thing that was, "hey, I saw this shit and I knew it was for you," rather than a scheduled event that happens at this designated time.
  16. Physical presence is more important to me, she was here recently and I was referring to that. It feels right still. More than it did previously.
  17. Emulate Mother 3 for the GBA. There's a fan translation out there and the game is amazing. Just bringing it up makes me feel like I have to play it again soon.
  18. Felt like the right one I thought she was all that time ago. Hopefully she felt the same, haha.
  19. I think every character had the option to pray. It's been a long time since I played it. Giygas was raise a wall and heal while everyone else prays if I remember.
  20. Some women need a good one, and some women need a great one. Hopefully I'm great?
  21. Why would you not use the brand new option that was never seen in a previous battle?
  22. Do you mean the people that call everyone hun all the time? I hate them.
  23. All of us kids are a bunch of goofballs. And I'm the biggest one of all. My sister's kids made me genuinely laugh, I told my sister she did a good job when I visited. She rolled her eyes and told me about the oldest sneaking out at night and other inconsequential shit. Her kids are going to be quality humans. I think ours will too.
  24. Yus. I can't believe I'm going to have to stop being irresponsible. It'll be fun though. If my sister's kids are any indication it'll be a house of laughs.
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