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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. Gotta keep them on their toes. Funny one day brooding and deep the next.
  2. Fiber internet in a storage closet. If I didn't have to move....yes
  3. Imagine being a dude next time, awkward boners. Take a cucumber and stuff it down your pant leg. No one will care what you say. The comedy would be pure gold.
  4. If i didn't have to move I would gladly pay 900 a month.
  5. I would have mocked anyone wanting to move there tbh.
  6. Lucky asshole.
  7. Err body's NEKKID!
  8. Look through them. X-ray dem dudes.
  9. Communication starts with your eyes. You know, unless you are blind. Changing your dress or body language goes a long way with the crowd. Might try looking up different postures and try that. I could go on and on seriously, forever but I don't want to bore you or type on this phone that much.
  10. That flu going around acts like a cold.
  11. You should record yourself giving your speeches before you go in front of the crowd. You can watch and see your strong points and the weaker points. It also helps doing it in front of friends or family, hell even a stranger would work. Practice makes better.
  12. The implication being that it was a person in a vegetative state or coma, hence the "vegetable".
  13. I remember officer Jenny. Lest we forget.
  14. Maybe? I give as good as I get. So maybe still feel sorry for her. PURPLE NURPLES ALL AROUND!!!!
  15. Be sorry for my wife. I have to fight her off. She brings the pain.
  16. A man after my own heart.
  17. I'm a no fun kind of guy.
  18. Very, burns like fire.
  19. Not weird if you aren't looking.
  20. My nipps are a no go zone.
  21. Best comedy music video ever.
  22. I'm older than almost everyone here and i skipped dinner.
  23. I did have a pretty amazing beard until last week.
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