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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. I told her to not bother. She did it anyway. Tylenol was working better.
  2. Thats how you get dead hookers.
  3. I'm straight edge. I only take what the doc gives. Currently thats some shitty tramadol. Doesn't even touch this tooth pain.
  4. @molarbear I found your twin.
  5. Spaceballs 2, the quest for more money.
  6. Sugar free wine....invent this.....everclear?
  7. Celebrate early, get shitty tonight. This way even if you don't get it you still got to party.
  8. You got the beetus....really you just eat to much shit but you would never except that responsibility.
  9. I have seen a few hot women who curl.
  10. I like the way you think.
  11. The only real sport. Why can't they show that instead of basketball. Nobody cares about basketball.
  12. If you shake it more than twice you are playing with it.
  13. If we are making up shit I got one for you. Marlboro packs are a nod to phillip morris's ties to the kkk. There are three k's on the box and two hooded figures hidden between the horses legs carrying a banner. They recently removed the text on the banner.
  14. Steers and queers? You ever listen to primus or watch full metal jacket?
  15. I'm here but I have horns.
  16. Somebody is old, Montgomery Ward? Reminds me of Otasco.
  17. That was a job site I was trying to get to. If it floods at my house you would see animals lined up 2 x 2 entering an ark.
  18. Needed one. The water was up to the door on the truck so I went back home and grabbed the jeep. Water was higher. It was over a foot deep in that portable toilet.
  19. This was my day.
  20. Yes, and we have none of those here.
  21. Texas Roadhouse Perkins Denny's
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