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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. I leaned back when I sat down and cracked the tank. It's a dead fucking toilet.
  2. In related news, is jingo okay?
  3. Shout out to the time he hung out with Ernest.
  4. Pretty much, yeah. Sometimes with more post-nut shame.
  5. The word Thursday is derived from Thor's Day, because everyone is horny for Chris Hemsworth around this time of the week.
  6. Daddy is the exact word. DILFs and MILFs have to be parents in my view, but Cougars and Daddies have the same energy.
  7. I know there's DILF, but that's specifically for fathers, and there's also silver fox but that's only for people with graying hair. Is there a term like cougar for a childless middle-aged man?
  8. The baby dropbox just makes me think of that one scene in A Serbian Film and I don't want to think about that anymore.
  9. I did once because I was tired and lonely and horny but I got there when they closed so it didn't matter anyway. Also the bouncer was a guy I went to high school with and we chatted for a bit before I left.
  10. A couple years late, but I'll take it. https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/04/us/breonna-taylor-federal-charges/index.html
  11. Got called "good lookin" by an older black woman and her daughter earlier today so I'm riding high.
  12. Didn't read all of it because I got invited to the thing late. I'll be reading this month's book though.
  13. That means I get to be the one with a giant, possibly stickied thread! Fuck yo shit pool time
  14. Went to a meeting last night and one lady brought cookies and the club president/leader guy brought some Arizona Arnold Palmer and we sat around and talked a little about Salem's Lot and more about Stephen King and vampires and other miscellaneous things. The cookies were hella good too. I give it a 10/10, will go back next month.
  15. A DoorDash driver isn't going to drive 20 minutes out of their way to go to a specific McDonald's and deliver it when they've got orders coming in at places just down the street. Not cost efficient unless they're getting a huge tip to cover the gas.
  16. For buffet takeout, no. For dine in, at least 25%. Doesn't matter if I'm getting my own food, those servers who bring me plates or refill my drinks are still only getting $2.15 an hour.
  17. I had to be quick before Grayson smacked her.
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