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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. I have a 1TB hard drive, so that's where my mind went. Deffo over my head.
  2. It was (nearly) my entire porn collection. I've got 21gb left. But that may reduce even more so. Also how is 100 gigs of porn not a lot? I'm having difficulty wrapping my head around that. I'm old and behind the times.
  3. At a certain point one has to ask oneself "how much is too much? There's no way you're going to consume this much porn in your life."
  4. I think the same way, kind of. One of my roommates was home when it happened but didn't observe it, just knew that his cat and my cat got into a fight and he had to break it up. The other day though I picked her up and put her at the top of the cat tree by the window, and she started watching the birds and then tried to get up and look through the wall above the window to try and see them. Started leaning over the side and I grabbed her and put her back on the floor. I think that's how it happened, though. Got up there and fell over the edge and hit either the cabinet next to it or one of the lower levels on the way down.
  6. She is having dreams of being either a bunny or a t-rex.
  7. Shout out to these folks.
  8. Gurl you can harass me anytime
  9. She is adorable and broke her leg and had surgery. Send her your power a la Spirit Bomb method.
  10. Like everyone else who has a mental crisis, I have done dyed my hair.
  12. I just had to bring it up that you randomly hybridized two gimmicks of the same guy and it made me glad.
  13. UM, ACTUALLY The Booty Man/The Disciple AKA Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake.
  14. I think you'd enjoy it of you're a fan of Pepsi. It does indeed have a strong marshmallow taste.
  15. I pride myself on having tried every flavor of Mountain Dew, but I couldn't even finish that one.
  16. "Ah yes, I do so desire doritos, cheetos, and funyuns, but how can I get those flavors in a mere potato chip?" "Just... eat the doritos, cheetos, and funyuns?" "Poppycock!"
  17. If I did have one it would mostly say "participant." I can't really say I have any major accomplishments boardwise except I was the inciting actor in fan club night in IB and also malonloveslink named me as the propagator of the "sophistry is terrible" meme although I really just rode on KaptKrunch's coattails there. Stolen Valor, if anything. Although I was proud of my SwimMod Fanfic series.
  18. Hopefully they'll take his threat seriously this time and have the National Guard ready to eliminate any traitors who show up in support of trump with extreme prejudice. No repeats of January 6th. Kill all the MAGA rats and make them afraid to show their faces again.
  19. I didn't believe it, but the video still makes a good point. Why other flavors of oreos to begin with?
  20. Where have all the good men gone, and where are all the gods?
  21. This is a crime. Related video:
  22. It wasn't so bad when sipping, tastes like a frosted cola cake. But taking big gulps was bad news. I'm not a fan of peeps to begin with so the full marshmallow flavor instead of the low key sugar flavor was too much.
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