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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. I saw Puddles Pity Party solo. It was a fun show.
  2. The two with the biggest boobs.
  3. Baby platypi are called puggles. That is all.
  4. Annoying guy at work keeps pacing around and walking toward me in the car like he wants to talk to me, and then going back. I don't even know this kid. Just sees me in the break room from time to time and decides to chat at me and vent about work, meanwhile I'm just thinking "I just wanna eat my lunch." I've been keeping my eyes down on my phone pretending not to notice him every time he got next to the car.
  5. I have the box that has both Death and Rebirth AND End of Eva, in addition to the series box set. The glory hole will be around the corner, just drop to your knees on the X in front of the sheet.
  6. You have no idea how difficult it was to find where she lives, wait until she decided to take a bath, and then dip the little jars in the tub without being noticed.
  7. Gurl, you're an alien Your touch so foreign It's supernatural Extraterrestrial
  8. I wouldn't be surprised with all the permissions that Facebook requires you give it on your phone that it picks up things you say in actual conversation to advertise. One of the reasons I deleted mine.
  9. The skill that Wakka starts with in the Steam version of Final Fantasy X that lets you ensure defeated enemies will drop Ability spheres. Ability spheres cannot be found on Mushroom Rock Road and typically leads to stopping anyone from continuing on their sphere grids because you don't want to skip good abilities. It's a fantastic skill. WHY DID I ONLY FIND IT AFTER GRINDING OUT ABILITY SPHERES FROM DUAL HORNS ON MIIHEN HIGH ROAD
  10. A couple months ago they were taken across the state to a new family.
  11. Here's one for you: how bout you buy a non-gamer's pee?
  12. Life is bad and I just want my puppies back.
  13. There's no air conditioning outside. Fuck that noise.
  14. Daww she is a good pupper even if she is stinky.
  15. It is a song by Chef from the early days of South Park.
  16. Let's talk about you And me And her, simultaneous You and me And her and her and her simultaneous lovin baby
  17. Fuck this ancient alien bullshit and stop saying that bigfoot is an alien this whole thing is stupid
  18. Here is a motorcycle dressed like a horse.
  19. I remember this from a billion years ago on Albino Black Sheep. Had no idea it was Neil Cicierega.
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