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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. I ain't the bossa her. But I'll pitch it to her anyway.
  2. I remember one was MY_JEEP_IS_ROCK, can't remember the other name. The threads were gold, though. The poop trampoline still sticks in my head. edit: supper_man! supper_man and MY_JEEP_IS_ROCK. I remembered just now.
  3. Also Gary and Barnabas. And calidave43. I know they were alts, but they were hilarious alts.
  4. I HAVE ENVY. I watched this on Netflix way back when they had it available. Told myself I was gonna watch the first two episodes and go to bed. 6 hours later I finally went to bed, then looked at the series as a whole and started scheduling my time around how many episodes I could watch before work and after work. Fortunately I got to finish the series, but the ending hit me so hard that I wanted to watch it again. Then Netflix lost it and no one has the U.S. publishing rights.
  5. Ay gurl, how YOU doin?
  6. Got an old-fashioned from a girl named Jackie and she bruised the tip because she didn't live up to the expectation her name set.
  7. The series was pretty great. That could be nostalgia talking, as I haven't watched it in years, but I really liked the whole concept and story-telling aspects of it. I think it felt reflective of how a lot of us on the ASMB were at the time, to be honest. We all put on these different personalities on the boards, and as we got to know each other we started revealing who we really were, layer by layer.
  8. Snog threads. From the long long ago. The pioneer days of the ASMB. Back when men were men, women were women, and I was a young STD just learning to spread my wings and infect the world.
  9. Nintendo should do it. Get the crew that remade DQ8 for 3DS. They turned a whole PS2 game into a 3DS game and ADDED to it. Whatever developer did that is incredible.
  10. I want a full on remake of the first two Suikoden games, either all anime'd a la Dragon Quest or real-people'd like FFX. Full voice acting, the works.
  11. When we were kids my sister had this red teddy bear and she had a nightmare one night that it crawled up her body from the foot of her bed and it started choking her and when she woke up it was lying on neck. She threw it in the garbage after that.
  12. HAH! "With a date," you say.
  13. It's not even the look, just the attitude.
  14. Waitresses. They're my weakness, what with the "honey" and the "sugar" and all those pet names.
  15. I'm a Norweigian Bridge Troll, thank you very much.
  16. .12 /
  17. It was written by a bot given the seven Harry Potter books as source material and it generated this masterpiece. "Ron was going to be spiders. He just was." is my favorite part.
  18. There have to be limits, though. Santa may be magic, but he's not a genie. He can't make things materialize out of thin air. Any present Santa brings has to be small enough to fit in a box under the Christmas tree. And it can't be money, either, since Santa deals in presents made by his elves instead of currency. This also rules out other humans or any living creatures. So with those ground rules established, I'd want Santa to bring me a solid gold statue of myself so I could turn around and sell it and become a multi-millionaire.
  19. Spectrum
  20. A pink starburst wrapper. Mostly bland paper with the tiniest hint of the best fucking flavor in the universe. Like, just the absolute tiniest. Like something that makes you think of and remember so many better things.
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