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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. Like what Pat said. The people who were drawn to the ASMB in the first place were united by common interest in some weird programming. It was a broad range of people who got together because we all liked one niche thing. And where we were all weird for liking weird shit, it was easier to get along and meet folks and find more shared interests. On top of that, the original ASMB was built as a real community. SwimBuddha running shop at first, making threads about going to the vending machine and how he'd buy the first person who replied a candy bar. SwimTorrent taking user ideas for polls on the site. The team actually sharing what users were saying on TV. And then you had showrunners and talent like Andy Merrill making the SwimBuddha eats poop thread, and Adam and Matt from Sealab creating the character MCHeshPants420 and trolling the boards before they dropped the episode "Dearly Beloved Seed." From the community the channel actually provided, it encouraged people to have fun and be weird and open. And from there it just grew. After chatting on the boards about topics a and b, it was easy to go into topics c and d and so on off the boards to online chat, and from online to real life meeting. It was super comfortable because these were already friends that we knew from a community that valued us all. And UEMB here is an extension of that, because even though the channel left us, the community and friendships were still there and there was a want to spread that feeling again. Or maybe we're just all fucking loonies. I dunno.
  2. < Over 300 hours logged.
  3. The fuck is a slimewave? I'm too old for this shit, man.
  4. Nightcore is the opposite of Vaporwave.
  5. NSP is mosdef my favorite, but I love me some metal.
  6. "Africa" by Toto by Ninja Sex Party "Africa" by Toto by Leo Moracchioli feat. Rabea and Hannah "Africa" by Toto by the Angel City Chorale "Africa" by Toto by the Floppotron
  7. My turn to play critic, which means I'm just gonna gush because I don't have anything bad to say. Wildflowers - I remember reading the original tale of the scorpion and the frog a long, long time ago. I think even before I started school. I really liked this retelling, and the touch of character that was added went a long way with me. I liked how humanized they were made, and instead of the scorpion just ending up as a cold, calculated murder machine it now comes across as a calculating mass murderer that a subset of people would treat as a celebrity. Just a good tale that eased me right into the world. One of Those Simple Voyages - I felt right there with Geoff. I don't know anything about the area they were travelling through, but it felt like a road trip with strangers. His rambling thoughts, the conversation starts and stops, they feel so real, like I've been there before. A simple story that hits home with me. 315-342 - I was reminded a lot of Kino's Journey. The concept of a travelogue and the stories the narrator relays keep me interested, and I'd be invested in a series of these. Fate/Furious - You got peanut butter in my chocolate and I dig it. I'm not too familiar with either of the sources, as I've never seen a Fast and Furious movie nor have I played Fate/Stay, but I immediately understood the concept and enjoyed it. Also shout out for the referential humor in there, because I like the idea that Dom is who Vin Diesel really is and Vin Diesel is just a character he plays for interviews and casting calls. A Pack of Camels - If you get the reference, you are Yuri and I am Natsuki. Very evocative imagery. You use words like a master of the craft, painting a masterpiece that is hard to fathom. The story is gross as shit, but that's what you were going for. I dig it the same way I dig Lars Von Trier's Antichrist.
  8. It's more or less a cold open, and that's just a reference to the opening lyrics of "Turn the Page." "On a long and lonesome highway, east of Omaha"
  9. I am proud of this and I'm glad that people appreciate the bad puns I worked in there.
  10. Wario Lopez is gonna ween.
  11. GuyBeardmane


  12. Then. Now. Forever.
  14. It makes me laugh every time.
  15. SPERM WHALE! WATCH OUT IT SPERMED ALL OVER THE PLACE! God I miss that meme. Random af.
  16. Well I eat pussy so... Oh. But really, cannibalism is just such a bizarre thought to me and I can't wrap my head around it. I don't think that even in the most extreme circumstances that I'd be able to eat a person.
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