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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. I'm fuckin old, guys.
  2. You should beckon them and let them sniff your hand and then pet them to guarantee they're not there.
  3. I don't doubt that 4 is gonna be brand new territory, considering the events of 3. From my understanding, Hideaki Anno is finally getting to create the ending he wanted. This is what the Human Instrumentality Project was all about. I don't think it's gonna be as open to interpretation as the series or Death & Rebirth and End of Eva had presented. I mean shit, we saw 2nd (and a half) Impact and 3rd Impact now.
  4. I liked the retelling in 1 & 2, because it's a good way to introduce people who've never seen the series and also serve as a refresher for those who haven't watched it in a decade. And I'm not saying 3.33 was bad at all, but it left me with so much confusion. Also Shinji is a dumbfuck. I pitied him in the original series, but where 3.33 could be summed up in two quotes. Everyone: Shinji, don't do the thing. Shinji: I'm doing the thing.
  5. After 3.33, nothing makes sense.
  6. "This Does (Not) Make Sense"
  7. I'm gonna go see Rebecca tomorrow. I'll post pics.
  8. No gods, no fate, no plans for anyone. You're a sub-atomic particle in this massive universe. A grain of sand on this planet. No one was meant to accomplish anything. So go make an impact on others and accomplish things on your own.
  9. Porky Pig in virtually every short he and Daffy Duck were in. Duck Dodgers, "Deduce, You Say?," "Drip-Along Daffy," etc.
  10. I have a similar syndrome, but just slightly different.
  11. I don't think anyone here is 13.
  12. The most appropriate time of year to get this one stuck in your head, for certain.
  13. It's one of those songs that you need to hear in a mall or something so it gets out of your head and spreads to a bunch of others. I've never heard this one. It's a neat little song, but I can imagine how grating it would get. Dunno why but the other day I had to look this one up and give it a watch. Wasn't stuck in my head, it was just that feeling that I needed to satiate the beast within me with "Clowny Clown Clown." This video makes me happy.
  14. Is it cooler than being cool?
  15. I never met any of them, so I can't say I miss them.
  16. Saturday night I was with friends and that song "What Would You Do?" by City High got stuck in my head and my friend thought I was crazy because he never heard of the song. I can't recall anything in the conversation that prompted the song to get queued up on my mind jukebox, but there it was. So what's the weirdest song that got stuck in your head without warning?
  18. What is Jelqing - Jelqing and Male Enhancement - Cosmopolitan.com www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/advice/a4189/jelqing/ Feb 7, 2013 - Jelqing (pronounced jel-king) is a natural penis enlargement attempt in which a guy squeezes and strokes his member in an effort to force blood flow to the tip, hypothetically stretching length and girth. Believed to have its roots in the ancient Middle East, jelqing is sometimes called "milking," which conjures ..
  19. Thing is it took MONTHS for this to happen, and in this timeframe I even got a tune up because I had hit 150K miles. Definitely be careful and when you take it in, specifically mention this problem so they'll take a look and hopefully find an insignificant and easily fixable problem.
  20. This part here frightened me, 'cause it reminds me of what happened to my car (RIP The Sexmobile Mark III: Optima Prime and the Temple of Poon). For awhile my car would be slow to accelerate when I pushed on the gas, and one night I was driving home from work and my car just started slowing down hard, no matter how much I pushed on the gas. I managed to pull off at an exit, and my car died at the top of the off ramp. Had to push it to the nearest parking lot, got it towed to a shop the next morning. Guy said that it could be my timing belt, but it was likely that the engine was just shot. So my car's been sitting there in this parking lot 40 miles away because I haven't been able to afford to have it towed home.
  21. They love me because they know I have talents with rocking, rhyming, doing the do, and also that I'm punctual.
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